
Should I rephrase my question, Palin just called herself a pitbull?

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  1. She fits in well with the rest of the say nothing bozos there.  At least Rudy is kind of cute by comparison.

  2. Palin is ridiculous - she is NOT the person to be a heartbeat away from leading my country. Pleaae please please let it come to light she posed nude somewhere for real.

  3. Yeah, he's strong and amazing.  I know you're jealous.

  4. yes, one that wears lipstick

  5. That's great, because I don't like Pit Bulls..........

    You never know when they're going to attack....... sneaky little things... especially around children.... hmmmmmmmmm

    Obama/Biden 08

  6. Well, with that pasted bang on her forehead she kinda has a look....... of an old fat white man.

  7. You need to blow the wax out of your ears. She was the one with lipstick. The pitbull was your dad.

    McCain/Palin '08

  8. / She "compared" herself to a pitbull - meaning she doesn't need protecting from the negative campaigning of Obama and Biden.

  9. I don't even think Cesar can fix this one.

  10. I think if you take it as a reference to being aggressive and tenacious as it was intended it wouldnt be quite so hard for your simple mind to grasp.

  11. Why does she have to be so whiney?  She broke a vase over here....

  12. Yes, with lipstick.

  13. I have a Pit bull  -sometimes she does need to be on a tight leash.

    Sometimes she wants to attack other dogs (even the ones she grew up with -though they are her pack and she generally gets along with them.) .I guess she could be a Republican -she will sometimes attack  first with out considering the consequences . Love her - but do not think my dog is qualified to be president -nor her Pit bull attitude.

    McCain and Palin = WW3

  14. She sure did and good for her, she doesn't need someone by her side to beat the opposing. She is a strong woman and has a lot to offer our country. She is a great role model!

  15. Mindlessly attacks for no good reason.  Sounds GOP enough for me.  Yep, she will go far.

    The Right Rev.  Rove is smiling down on her.

  16. Just wait 'til she grabs Biden by the neck.  

  17. She compared hockey moms to pit bulls. A comparison to something is not the same as saying one is. One is a metaphor, the other is a simile.

    Try to get it straight.

  18. Yes.  Lipstick is all the differentiates her from a pit bull.  She had to steal our thunder.  but hey maybe she is more honest than I thought.

  19. It is ok ---- your still being educated.. "LIBERAL WHILE YOU LEARN, CONSERVATIVE WHEN YOU EARN"

  20. The libs are really scared, it's great , Finnaly someone has defined OBAMA. ZERO. themore you koolAid drinkers attack the better We look. Let the real work and fun begin. U.S.A   U.S.A   U.S.A  U.S.A

    What do you get when you add a ZERO to a ZERO ? OBIDEN Bin Laden. a big fat zero   0   zero  0. gET READY HERE COME THE REAL AMERICA. aN AMERICAN PIT BULL WITH LIPSTICK.

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