
Should I replace my passport in Spain?

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I've been living in Spain for 1year and have found a company to hire me. I'm beginning the process of getting a visa, but i'm not sure what the reprocussions will be, since i've been here for over a year now. Should i renew my passport here, so I don't have any entrance/exiting stamps? Does it even matter? or should I wait until in the U.S





  1. Change it here. it will be easier for you.. That's what i did.. I live in Barcelona..

    Good Luck..

    An American living in Barcelona,


  2. I don't see any need to renew your passport unless it's getting close to the expiration date.  Are you worried about some place that you have stamps from?  Do you think it could slow down the process?  Check with the consulate, but I doubt that you need to, unless it's getting close to that 6 month overlap.

  3. Well, if you live already in Spain than contact your Embassy or Consulate to renew your passport. I am sure they have a website to give you all the details, even about your visa.

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