
Should I report my neighbor?

by  |  earlier

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My neighbor is really old and I live on the 6th floor of a walk up she lives next door...Her apartment smells horrendous I actually gag sometimes. She leaves food in the stairwell, shes asked me to loan her money, and she often smells of urine. I don't know being in NYC if this would help her situation? Anyone know what could help her? Being so careless I just want to know what is best for all parties.




  1. well first of all i'm sorry you hane to go through this.i think maybe you should go to the land lord and just let him/her know whats up,and maybe when they smell and see the problem they should confront them with a warning,and if it get worse they should evict them.but don't make a hung deal just you keep it on the downlow.hope this is some help.hope things get better.

  2. Call Adult Protective Services or just simply the police to do a wellness check. She sounds like she is senile and no longer able to care for herself. It may be time for nursing home placement. Unfortunately, it sounds like she may be better off there- with food, supervision, and clean clothes.

  3. Apparently she not able to take care of herself.  The humane thing to do is to call the authority so she can get help.  I know how hard it is to turn someone in that may be placed in a nursing home but at least she will be fed.

    Good luck

  4. reporting her saves both yourself and her a huge inconvenience and can be assumed to be in every body's best interest.

  5. You should call the Health Department.  This whole scenario sounds very unhealthy.  They will call Social Services if she is unable to care for herself properly.

  6. Not one person here has mentioned finding out if she has any family.Do you know her last name,and if she has any kids?Could you get a name from her and where they live for you to look a number up for them?That is the first step.If they rarely see her,she may just tell them on the phone she's fine.You need to call a relative and have them intervene.

  7. yes it would be in your best intrest to report her to the department or health or also if she has no family then you should maybe put her in a home if you can afford it or even i hate saying this but leave her to the state thats not not healthy for someone around you to live like that. it could also effect you health

  8. Many old people live in filth because they are too weak to take care of themselves, and they often go hungry. Depending on your situation, you could try to take care of her a little. If you can find out what ethnic background she belongs to, contact a social club for that ethnic group. They may have a program to assist the elderly. I know that is true for Swiss Americans. Or maybe a church? There is a chance that if she is institutionalized, she could get mistreated.

  9. Most major cities have a department that assists the elderly. I would call them and ask what programs they have available for elderly persons in your neighbor's situation. It sounds like she could use their help.

  10. for may need to call all kinds of people, she probably needs help taking care of herself, you could possibly be helping her, and yourself at the same time....start maybe with social services, ask if they can lead you in the right could call the police, non-emergency line of course and just let them know your concerns, and ask if someone could check on her...her apartment could be hazerdous to you too...

  11. I would try to find some help for her. I would call the department of Health Services. Sounds like she is getting unable to care for herself. Do it out of kindness because she may not have anybody who cares for her. The woman is having some financial difficulties. I would feel for her, but you do have to live in a rather sanitary home or apartment.

  12. dont report her to the police but to who ever works at that hotel ur neighbor should know she is not the only one there with a nose

  13. Contact the social services department for your burrough and ask for Adult Protective Services.  Describe the poor thing's plight.  They'll likely do a "home study" and determine if support services, etc. are needed.

    Imagine, all alone in a city of 8+million.

  14. Call the authorities on her.

  15. Im not sure if u should report her or not,,,,but my advice would be to move A.S.A.P.

  16. tell the apartment manager

  17. Complain to the Manager.

  18. I would report her to the apartment manager and call social services. Their might be something seriously wrong with her. Sometimes old people need help but doesn't have anyone to take care of them. Even if the apartment manager does nothing, social services could get her some help if she needs it.

  19. It sounds like she needs help. Food in the hallway is an invitation for pests, and if her apartment smells that bad, there's got to be something nasty going on in there. What about the landlord? Have you ca=ontacted him? Something should be done though. Good luck.

  20. well mayb if shes really old she is in need of help and assistance...most elderly have a hard time taking care of basics needs such as etc etc...mayb you should look into this further before passing her off as someone who is just careless...i would try to get her some help before say reporting her to any authorities

  21. "Reporting" someone is not the right word.   Call your local department of health for the elderly.   They "protect" people who are old.  They help them to stay in their homes.   They make sure they are safe.   This is not reporting, but helping.   I had to use them extensively to help my mom when she refused to move but was eating green rotten meat.  They were wonderful.   You can also call Adult Protective Services.   Look at the front of your phone book for the right places to call.   They will refer you.

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