
Should I report them???

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Theres a family that lives down the street from us. Aparently they have 9 kids living in the house but you would never know because I havent seen a single one of them in my one month of living here. I've only seen the mom and dad a few times but have never really spoke to them much other then a few words here and there. One of our other neighbors last night were talking about home they punish the kids when they misbehave. Apprently they make them take there pants and underwear off an spank them full force with a large paddle or a belt ALOT. My nieghbor said the other day the dad was out bragging about how he broke the paddle on his 15 YR OLD DAUGHTERS butt. Another neighbor said that when he went in there to fix some plumbing that one of the younger boys was sitting there crying saying"I dont care anymore how much you beat me I cant be a good boy even when I try" I almost cried when I heard this and its been on my mind. Can I report them even though I got this info from neighbors




  1. Yes, you should. I have had to call child protective services and the cops before. It's not fun but you'll feel better in the longrun. Definitely do it.

  2. Call child protective services and tell them what you know, they will make a decision as what to do.  They are professionals and know how to handle cases like this.

  3. Depends on the state and county laws where you live, but I would definately call and at least put a bug in someone's ear that something may be going on there.  Even if it's just a possibility, it needs to be investigated.  Children should not be treated like that under any circumstances.  I would at least call and start asking questions about what you could or should do, and someone can annonymously tell you over the phone the process that will take place and they can tell you whether or not the people will KNOW who it was that called, that way you know you're safe if it's able to be kept annonymous.  I can't imagine anyone beating a child like that no matter what they've done wrong.  Help those kids, even if it's just word of mouth, something's gotta get done in case there is real danger.

  4. U should help those kids. Feeling bad 4 them wont help them. Do something...the will thank u 4 it

  5. Holy **** dude call the cops!!!

  6. Yes you can. What will happen is they will go out and investigate. Including talking to neighbors and schools. If you are wrong at least you know the kids are safe. They will never know it was you.


  7. I would call someone to let them know what has been said  and be clear you have not witnessed anything. If nothing else it will be on record if something serious does  happen.  Most states you don't have to give your name.

  8. you can either report them to cps or to school officials ?

    all depends do you believe your neighbor if in doubt dont say anything.

  9. If you have a valid consern which it sounds like you do, you should report them. The state will take a look, they take things like that seriously.

  10. I am from the U.K, I have a suspicious nature, every other question from a yank seems to be about spanking, are you the one with the issues? The terminology, the wierd way in which you question is phrased and the level of detail, makes me feel uneasy. If you not an odd ball, I feel certain that you wouldn't be wasting your time asking us our opinion, if you were really concerned about some kids welfare you would have already spoken to the relavant authourities.

  11. Yes, call Child Protective Services immediately. The local school district, Town board, or police will have the number. This is child abuse, and you need to do something.

  12. YES, imagine if you were one of those kids and no one rescued you.  You can call child protection services without leaving your name and they have to investigate.

  13. I agree with Rachel:), you should call the cops.That's totally child abuse

  14. Hearsay is not very effective.  You may be reacting to rumors spread by your neighbors who only want you to dislike that family.

    Why haven't any of the neighbors, who all have lived on the street longer than you, not reported anything sooner?

    Keep your ears and eyes open and talk to the children allegedly being abused.  Get as much valid information from the children first hand before you make a call to the cops.   Remember, you have to give the cops a reason to come over and check out the family in questions.  If there's no truth or urgency your phone call may land on the back burner.

  15. Do NOT go to sleep tonight without calling the police!!!!!!

  16. You're certainly welcome to call, and CPS will decide whether or not to investigate.  But keep in mind that you did not witness any of this yourself, you have only heard it second-hand, and who knows if it is true or not.  Personally, I would ask if one of the people who witnessed the abuse/signs of abuse to call since they have first-hand knowledge of it.

  17. yeah call and say there is suspicion of abuse and you would like someone to come and check it out. Give them all the things that are floating around. so they know what to look for.

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