
Should I report these two employees?

by  |  earlier

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I work on a unit, and there are other units surrounding mine. We work graveshift because people sleep at our units that need assistance. We have to have 2 people per unit (or building) for safety issues.

I've been noticing the unit directly across mine split their shifts. So, they come in and work 4 hours, and the second person comes in and works their 4 hours (and the first person leaves).

This is very dangerous because we work with high risk teenagers with behavior problems. They can act out at any time, and the lone staff wouldn't have anyone to help them. Also, for the 2nd half, a male works- and it's a female unit.

I gaurantee both employees log their 8 hours, but only go in for 4 hours. .. what would you do?




  1. Are you sure they are breaking the rules. Maybe they split there shift up and come back to do the rest when you are not there. I used to work in an emergency call center and do to the nature of the calls we had to be there. If there was a confiliction in scheduling or a problem at home we could work half our shift and come back later to work the other half granted we found a hift to split with someone. I also had a choice of who I could contact in different call center Pods Pod A and Pod B

    You can report them. However I have seen Bosses end up telling people to mind their Business cause it doesn't concern them.

    I am not saying that they could not be doing something wrong but I just don't want to see you wound up known around the office as the tattle tale. Use your discretion. If anything ask yourself from a boss if there is any special scheduling at nights you should be aware of that could be available to you. If they say No then you may have your answer and then can proceed with speaking to a manager about the problem at hand.

  2. I also would normally stay out of it, but with the safety involved.....

    Here's another thought.  What if a lawsuit happens, and it's discovered that you must of knew/observed them doing this.  Some blame might go to you, too.  You might need to report this to cover yourself.  Try to be discreet as possible, you don't want any backlash.

  3. Report, report, report.

  4. Report em girl

  5. I would so tell, of course in a professional manner.  I work graveyard as a manager and have had to discipline a few employees who thought they could get away with slacking off because of the shift.

  6. For their own safety I would report it.  God forbid one of the female inmates charges that the male guard sexually abused her.  If anything were to happen to one of the girls or one of the guards you are now just a guilty for not reporting their misconduct.  You have a responsibility to do the right thing. Why would this even be in question?

  7. Get it reported fast

  8. I think you know what you need to do.

  9. You should report  a situation that could be dangerous. Otherwise you're just as guilty. If you are afraid of repercussions, do it anonymously.

  10. I experienced the same thing while working in the psyche ward. The nurses would sleep in shifts and cover each other. I reported them, and management was none too happy with me. With the nursing shortage, they didnt want to pss off any nurses, so they let them sleep on their shifts

    what are you going to do?

  11. Well, normally I would say stay out of it, they'll get caught eventually.

    But in a situation this severe, I would definetly speak up. Their poor work ethics effect you directly, definetly say something, even anonymously if you'd prefer.

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