
Should I report this as neglect?

by Guest63001  |  earlier

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I work at a karate studio, and there is one family there with four boys- a 7-year-old, twin 3-year-olds, and a 1-year-old. The parents are in my adult class. When they are in class, they leave the kids alone in their van, with it running, with the 7-year-old in charge. They have told the 7-year-old that he is not allowed to leave the others alone, and this means that he pees in the parkinglot when he needs to go. Our school borders a major highway, and I am concerned that one of them could get the van in gear and it could roll into the highway.

When the kids are inside the building (like during one of the kids' classes) and the parents are available, they ignore the kids. I've seen the one-year-old playing with the vending machine, and while it's not terribly likely, I am concerned it could fall on him.

The kids never behave in class, especially the twins. When I disciplined one of them (by putting him in time-out), the mother got upset, and me we shouldn't punish him. This is leading to th lack of discipline that causes me to be extra worried about the children, because even te one-year-old will not do what they tell him.

Should I report this family to family services?




  1. You should tell someone.  Try talking to the mom and just out of concern for the kids, ask her if she wants to bring them in that you are afraid for them.  No response, then I would call.  I like to see a mom get a chance to change the situation first.  Its nice of you to care.  God Bless  

  2. Yes report them!!!! NOW!! This is criminal!! They need to learn that this is negligent and dangerous!!!! You don't EVER leave a 7 year old in charge of a one year old, let alone a one year old and 2 three-year-olds!!! At the very LEAST, one of the kids could accidentally put the car in gear--your fear is very reasonable. I know someone who that happened to. Or the air conditioner could conk out and they could all die. Or someone could abduct them all. Or one could get hurt, or sick. In many states, it's illegal to leave a child in the car without the parent. Those poor children must be terrified!

  3. Call the police right away and give them all the details, like the car, liscense plate and names of the parents. That is absolutely wrong and should not be ignored. You'll be doing a service to those poor kids.

  4. OMG!! Is this for real?  You could report it to family services, but the next time you see it happen you should anonymously call the police and let them know there are kids being left in a van by themselves.  The police will come out and tell the parents that they can't leave the kids in the car.  This should take care of the problem.

  5. It definitely sounds like neglect. Maybe you should report it to whoever is in charge of the school, and if that person does not confront the parents then you should calmly confront the parents yourself. If they continue to do it, then it's your duty to let family services know about it. It's not like the parents weren't warned...  

  6. Talk to them and then talk to family services on what they recommend.  It ... doesn't exactly fall into the category of neglect. Leaving the kids in the car with the A/C on isn't bad but come on... the car is running...  Neglect mostly falls into the border territory of not feeding the children, not taking proper care of them, etc. etc.  but if the children will most likely not behave properly in the future with the treatment they are getting from their parents.

  7. I would report it, what if someone gets in that van and drives away with them!  That is just crazy!  Makes me sad for those kids!

  8. Well, I'd give them the opportunity to correct the problem themselves. Confront them about it. After they tell you to mind your own business (which I'm sure they will), then report them. That is text book neglect. 7 years old is not nearly old enough to take responsibility for younger children.

  9. Leaving a child in a vehicle alone, running or not, is illegal. So right there they are at fault for neglect. In order for their kids to be taken into a safer environment(emergency foster care) the parents must be caught in the act, children in the car while parents are in the class. You should definately report it for the chidrens safety. What you'd need to do is call the police and DHS as soon as you see the parents getting out of their car and leaving their children in it. It will take approximatly 15-20 minutes for DHS to arrive and less than 10 for the police to arrive considering there are children involved. Good Luck! and please help these children.

  10. Yes - leaving children in the car is illegal.  

  11. Yes, unfortunately that is neglect in all US states. And Stupidity is inherited.

    They need to pay for a sitter or get the kids enrolled in classes. but unattended is not OK. And leaving a 7 yr old in charge is not good judgement.

    At the Taekwondo studio we belong to, there is one family with a bunch of kids similarly, they bring the kids in and there is a play area for the kids, generally the instructor has his wife put disney movies in the DVD player and the kids are OK while class is going.

    In Karate and Taekwondo, one of the principles is discipline. Sounds like the parents need a little metted out on them. a decent parenting course is in order..

    It sounds as if the kids are slightly out of control, the parents should be in Love and Logic classes instead of karate.

  12. i think that you should try to speak with the parents fist about you concern for the kids safety and if that fails to work then report it to the authorities because this could be very dangerous for the kids

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