
Should I reuse My toilet paper?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, only the pee pee paper, not the #2 kind........I'm not that gross. I could air dry it! Come on...let's all do our part!




  1. if your gonna go that far use a towel or dont use anything

  2. I think if u want to save paper use leaves or a towel that can be washed.

  3. I don't think you should, I think it is unsanitary and you can make yourself sick or spread germs to your privates...

  4. your funny...

  5. thats going too far.

  6. You actually go pee pee in your toilet. I don't, I go in the back yard. Do your part save water.

  7. Why not just shimmy and shake it dry.  lol

    If you are really wanting to do something, I am sure you can get washable wipes that you can just throw in the laundry machine.

  8. I don't think you should.  That is very unsanitary and you could get sick.  Try doing something else to do your part for the environment.

  9. NO u would do more bad then good cuz u will make a lot of bacteria.

  10. That is disgusting; no global climate crisis is worth washing of used toilet matter.

    Oh my gosh; I cannot believe some of the ratings these answers are getting. You gave a thumbs down to someone saying the person is going too far? Are you serious? Would you actually use this idea??

  11. What's the saying "when it's yellow, let it mellow... when it's brown, flush it down?" (even then, it can smell, so i don't partake in that particular method unless I haven't a choice).

    As far as the whole reusing of toilet paper thing, I would have to agree with everyone else in saying that toilet paper isn't something that should be reused for health reasons. Toilet paper made from recycled paper would be the way to go, and perhaps a 'low flush' toilet, if you're really hardcore and have the money to replace your current toilet (if it isn't already a toilet that uses less water).

  12. yes, wash the breakfast dishes with it

  13. Everyone gets gunshy about recycling when it comes to the bathroom, but toilet paper is definately an item you should have you thinking "recycle," not "reuse."

    Obviously, your example is extreme and would likely give you a urinary tract infection.

    But there is a green option for toilet paper. Consider buying recycled toilet paper. It's not recycled from other toilet paper, but made from 100 percent recycled paper. No trees were cut down to make it.

    Sunrise brand ( is 100 percent recycled and doesn't feel any different than regular high-end paper.

    This question my have been a joke, but it's a good opportunity for people to realize that there is a green bathroom option that isn't gross or extremist.

  14. Use reusable wipes kind of things. Still if you reuse your toilet paper, you might get an infection.

  15. i don't think you have to do that yet ,however if you are a small business person in the U.S , if aboma gets elected you will have to.

  16. WOW....ummm. i know that you wanna "recycle." and "save the trees" and what ever else you hippie nuts do..but that is just GROWSE!!! i mean come one...its Toilette paper... instead of air drying the paper...air dry you butt..nasty

  17. go japanese n use the squirter ;)

    they have seat warmers.

  18. I laughed for 5 minutes no lie.  That is a rediculous idea, might be a good comedy show idea though its hilarious.

  19. NAA

    ... .. .. ..

    I kind of stink this is going to far in conservation

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    If you smell my answer to it

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    Puee wee

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  20. umm........

    where'd you get this idea?

    Just do things that can clean the environment without loosing yours you catch me?

  21. That's really ignorant. Why don't u go find a corncob and wipe ur butt with it!

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