
Should I ride the Maverick at Cedar Point?

by Guest61128  |  earlier

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I'm going up to Cedar Point this summer, and I'm super pumped. I'm wondering what you guys think of Maverick. Was it scary? How was the first drop?




  1. Yes you have to ride it......I didnt think it was that scary, even though the first drop is a little high....LOL but over all it was really fun

  2. Ohh myy gossshh...YES YES AND YES!!! ride it omg i had a blasttt on was that kinda scary fun not scary scary SCARY FUNN..the first drop gave me the butterflies in my stomach but i loved it omg u should ride'd be crazy if u dont have funn!

  3. I went to Cedar Point last summer and Maverick was by far the most fun roller coaster there.  The first drop is the steepest in the park but its not very tall so its over with really fast. I just closed my eyes and it wasn't very scary.  The rest of the ride is AWESOME with lots of up-side-downs and airtime.  the roller coaster is amazing and you should definitely ride it.

  4. It wasn't scary at all...the first drop was amazing! It was a strange feeling b/c of the angle of the first hill, but it was awesome! My favorite part was when your car goes into the tunnel and then shoots out. It was awesome! My only complaint is that my head kept banging against the shoulder restraints b/c I'm short and they came up past my neck. So make sure you try to keep your head back, b/c I had a headache for the next few hours!

  5. I didn't get to ride it. The line was about three hours long.

  6. I loved it! At the same time, the first drop was very scary, but fun. I closed my eyes and only opened them occasionally.

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