In Chicago on Sept. 2 there is supposed to be a boycott of the Public Schools to expose an in equality of funding in the state.The leader of the boycott wants 2 enroll the kids in a school in the subburbs but already admits that may not happen but wants to keep the kids out anyway, even though law prohibits him. I am a high school junior in the public school system. Now firstly funding is determined by attendance so if last year if kids in the city were getting 10,010 dollars year this year we may only get 8,000, in other words kids who don't boycott may get affected by the kids who do. And in the Chicago if you miss 9 days then you fail and colleges won't care if it was for a cause (especially me b/c I want to attend Harvard). And even if the boycott last 8 days then how do the kids catch up. I take AP classes missing 2 days max can assure you that you've shot yourself in the foot. So my question is although funding is unequal should students choose to potentially harm their education or throw it out for the cause?