
Should I run away from that home?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 I got adopted a week ago and I been before but these new parents are weird the mom wants to have s*x with me she watches me while I sleep and last night I caught he smelling my draws I dont feel safe oh and their daughter she's 17 she said can't wait until the orgy whats an orgy help




  1. I hate to say this but she needs to be reported to the authorities.  Yes I would definitely do something about it.  

  2. You have so got to be kidding me. Sounds like something a sicko invented.

  3. Contact child protective services now.

  4. Well an Orgy is a sexual activity that... i don't think you want to know. People will say "Contact Child Services" do that but first you need to have proof that they're doing any suspicious activity. I would suggest a hidden camera. That always works.

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