
Should I run five or six days a week of alternating easy/hard workouts?

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Also, I want to know how many miles/kilometers I should run each hard and easy workout. I am a 15 year old guy training for a 5K.




  1. If you're only fifteen years old, stick to five trainings per week max. It's a good idea to have one easy, yet quite long (say 45 minutes) workout per week. The other trainings should be intervals, i.e., 5 x 2 minutes, 10 x 1.5 minute, 6 x 2 x 1 minute, stuff like that. Between the interval, pause (by jogging slowly or just walking) for the amount of time you just ran. And don't forget to do a warming-up (relaxed run of ~10 minutes + some stretching) and a cooling-down (similar...) with each training.

  2. It depends on how much you are running now.

    If you're currently not running at all, I'd recommend starting with 1-2 miles per day easy, 6 days a week. Once that's comfortable, up it to 2-3 miles a day and if you want implement some sort of speedwork - .5-1 mile repeats or so. After that's feeling good, increase to 3-4 miles a day and definitely start speedwork up.

    If you're already in reasonably good shape (can run a steady 2-3 miles easily on a consistent basis), then begin increasing your mileage to 3-5 miles a day and  implement speedwork as you feel ready for it.

    However, for your initial question, running 6 days a week will benefit you more than taking off two days a week. Recovery is important, but one day a week is adequate. Also, it takes two days for your body to recuperate most of the way, so I'd recommend running two days of easy workouts after each hard workout.

    Good luck!

  3. 3 workouts per week

    1st. steady state run...3-4 miles at an elevated pace, but not race pace, just faster than distance

    2nd intervals I would run 4 or 5 800s at your current 5k race pace, with equal rest-jogging slow or walk if youre tired

    3rd speed. 8 x150 at 95% of all out with full recovery in between

    then get at least 30 miles per week in with distance and youre all set

  4. no ur muscles need time to recoup

  5. Ruthie is right don't over do it on hard days each week,  run 6 days if ya want ....ya have worked up to it.  I wouldn't suggest doing anymore than 2 hard days a week.  For 5K training would say long run of about 7-8 miles about every 10 days.  Good mileage training for 5K would be 20-30 miles.  Get in some speed work teaching your body to run fast,  do maybe 2-3 mile repeats at just a little faster than the pace you'd like to run for the 5K.  Hope this helps, Good Luck

  6. I always run a steady amount each day, but I always run a little more than I will be expected to run. In your case, if you run a little bit more than 5K, when you go to run the 5K it will be a piece of cake.

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