
Should I run or bike for cardio?

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When school starts up in a few days I plan on doing cardio after school everyday so I was wondering which one would be the best?

Also, how long should I do them? Is everyday too much or would doing it everyday show best results?




  1. Running is better for you but biking is easier and just so much more fun. The thing is with biking you'll have to bike for a longer to get the same benefits of running. 10 minutes of biking =\= 10 minutes of running.

    You know they say running may help train for biking but biking does not help train for running.

  2. i would say biking bc it is easier on ur joints and bones and u would have to make sure u peddle the hole time regardless meaning if going down hill or a flat area u still have to peddle and and 1hr of biking straight 3 times a week is good unless u can and want to go longer but change it up some dont bike every month and every week ur body will get in the routine and it want do as good anymore so do both but not every time 3 times a week is good bc u have to give ur body time to re-cooperate after a day of exercising so this means u really need to do biking every other day and like push-ups and abs on the off days and give ur self a day in the week to relax so good luck and enjoy what ever u decide

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