
Should I run screaming through the streets with my bible tonight?

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Or should I stay in and eat the last of the watermelon?




  1. No

    I've never heard of anyone doing that.  It's a nasty rumor that some of you kids started.  

  2. and say Scriptures. Maybe he'll forgive you for your rude act.

  3. Shout "God loves you, He's going to kill you."

  4. as long as you are not shreeking or streeking(what is the word for it), go for it.

  5. Ahh, yes.  The nightly "running of the bull".


  6. Strip naked first.  The cops will enjoy that.

  7. Oh please do. My husband's just aching for an excuse to shoot someone with his AK.

  8. What good would that do? what would you scream about? I say stay in, eat the last of the watermelon and in the morning, pray first, grab your Bible and go out soul winning. When you face God on judgement day, you will have earned a crown to give back to the Saviour. Now that's a plan!

  9. I like watermelon

  10. You so have to find some old Halloween make up and make it look like you have leprosy first.

    And put it on YouTube.

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