
Should I runaway? I hate my life!?

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I cant stand being here anymore. My drunk mom abuses me, and makes fun of me. I cant stand this. I hate my life. i cut myself, and everyone over here is so cruel to me. I have no where to go. really, i have no one. What should I do? Where can I go? Child Protective Services wont do anything, and I hate it here.




  1. Oh, sweetheart, how old are you?  Can a counsellor at school help?

    If you are being abused then the authorities have an obligation to help.

    What about a doctor ..have you seen one about cutting yourself?  I'm not too sure about the "relying on God" option, myself.

    Some things you can't control your mom.  But you can control how you deal with what life throws at you.

    Make plans about how you will make sure you live a happy life in the future.  Promise yourself you won't follow in your Mom's footsteps. Work hard to make sure you can get a great job, be independent and happy.  

    Be determined to get through this and have it help make you stronger.  (Perhaps you can then help your mom with her problems in the long term.)  

    Look after yourself.  You deserve to get through this!!!!!

  2. You should ask this advice at

    People on the website, should help you out.

  3. Depending on your age, you should join the armed forces.  Sounds old fashioned and unsympathetic, but I seen it give purpose in a lot of people's lives.

    I have three nephews, two brothers, and some friends that were in the same or worse situation as you and it gave them purpose.

    My one nephew's mother gave him up to the state so she can keep her druggie boyfriend and he got messed up emotionally about it, but he went and joined the marines and now, he's on a Police Swat team where he loves his job, married, bought a new house, and trying for a baby.

    No one really understood why my sister wanted to do that to her son, but I'm pretty proud of him and I tell him so.

  4. no don't run away,that is not the answer...if she abuses you then go to the police and report her, or go to someone that you trust to find some help. if you don't have any family or friends that you can turn to then go and find a church and talk to a minister about it...most good ministers will take action to help you....and above all else,,,pray,,,talk to God, ask him to help you,,if you have faith he can and will help always have someone when you trust God..  

  5. Stop cutting yourself first of all. I know it may feel like it's the only pain you can control, but it's just bad i guess?

    then get a job or something to have time away from your home problems.

  6. I feel the same way sometimes so you're not alone

  7. don't run away!!!!  i did it and it leads right back home. it just a big mess. you can call 1800-RUN-AWAY (1800-786-2929) it really helps.

  8. Well... I'm pretty sure that social services would help you! I would try talking to the police or find a relative that you can talk to. I guess if you run away go somewhere where you know the family or a close friend. I mean there's no reason you deserve this by any means.

        Cutting yourself isn't going to solve anything either. Use your brain and find a better answer. Find someone you know will help you!!!

    Be kind to yourself!


  9. get a job or something to have some time away from your mom

    go see like a school counselor so you can have someone to talk to

  10. go to South Beach Miami in Florida you go there go to the beach sleep there and you can relax then when all of your stress is gone go back to your house and see if they where worried about you and if they where not then run away again

    PS. if you don't live near Florida then run away to a beach. If you don't live near a beach then go to a relaxing place and leave all of your stress there

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