
Should I say something to my husband or not?

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last night the flooding was very bad in our complex and my husband decided to evacuate his car. never did he say anything about the kids safety nor mines. he left the kids and I in the apartment. he didn't call to check on us or anything. thank god the apartment didn't flood, but when he came back he was talking about how much the complex had.




  1. dump this selfish man. now.  Get yourself and your kids to safety.  Take everything you need.  

  2. Sounds to me like this is not his first offence. You must have known he was a selfish son of a _ before you married him. I think since you married him already it is your responsibility to remind him what a man is and what role and responsability he has to his family.

  3. leave his selfish, sorry a**.

  4. Are you serious? I mean this isn't some gimmick to work people up? If that's the case, did you mention it to him? Maybe he assumed the apartment would be alright, but the parking lot would flood. I have no idea because I don't know anything about the area where you live. I'd say you need to at least express your feelings and give him a chance to respond. Tactful communication can help work out differences before you rush to the extreme measure of leaving him. If you don't feel safe in talking to him, then that adds a whole new dimension to the issue. Perhaps you could discuss the matter with a close friend you trust. They know you, know him and might have more insight.  

  5. Surely this insensitive, selfish behavior isn't NEW from him I would imagine?  Plus men typically don't handle CRISIS very well in my opinion - maybe he is one who doesn't!  My son recently fell on a glass coffee table in our home leaving deep gashes on his back, bleeding everywhere and needing immediate medical attention.... My husband didn't freak out - but he calmly began picking up all the pieces of glass and couldn't even LOOK at my son.  He couldn't even THINK to take him to the E.R. - his coping ability just flew right out the window when it comes to blood, injury or medical emergencies.  Maybe your husband has a similiar but different area of LOSS!  

    Certainly SAY something to him but try to give him the benefit of the doubt too......  HE does need to be AWARE of what he did and failed to do.

  6. He sounds like the biggest A$$ hole on the planet..the type of guy who hangs around in airport bathrooms to smell others people $hit all day...

  7. Kick his @ss out. What a jerk. He could care less about you and the kids.

  8. wow...that's crazy. And you're married to him...with kids even...what in the world was his reason for doing that? Should you say something??? You're as crazy as he is if you don't. You've gotta step to him and ask him what the h#ll was he thinking.

  9. if this is for real then yes, you need to leave his selfish ***

  10. Sounds like he was more concerned about his car than he was about his family. Ask him how he likes s******g his car.

  11. he is the ultimate selfcentered person i have heard of. take him for councelling.

  12. tell this selfish butthead how you feel!!

  13. If you dont want to say anything just let me do it. He has lost his mind to leave you and his kids behind for a car, are you sure he wants to be around you and the kids it sounds strange to me something is not right....pick his brain and get a solid answer on why he did what he did???

    Good Luck!!

  14. i think you should talk him. tell him that he is only thinking of himself. let him know that he didnt say anything about your safty. dont leave him for somthing like that. you guys can work it out.

  15. He just LEFT you there in the middle of a potentially dangerous flood?!  What kind of person does that?  Yes, you need to say something!  But if I were you I would get out of that relationship, it's obvious he doesn't care about your safety or the safety of your children.

  16. K - I - C - K         H - I - M       O - U - T  

    The boy needs help, because no responsible man would ever leave his wife and children under those conditins to take his car.   Now I sincerely apologize if he has a learning disability and cannot understand the value of "a" life let alone several.   Other than that, that was definitely a smack "in your face" and those of your children.  Ask yourself...what would happen if "you" were not there and something life-threatening happened.  No way is that acceptable behavior.

  17. This is pretty d**n sad. I give a lot of credit because I would be too embarassed to put this out there. This is an extremely selfish act on you your husbands part. The "man" of the household is supposed to protect his family from any harm or danger whether is be mother nature, a crazy lunatic or a false alarm. I would like to say leave him but it sounds like you might want to talk first. If he has done this before, with or without children, then you both might need something more then just a talk. This is unacceptable and needs to be solved.  god forbid if this flood wood have been something fatal then what? If you are religious I would advise you to pray and ask God for guidance. This is a very hard situtation to deal with and sometimes God places situations in out life for a reason. I hope I have beens of some assistance.

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