
Should I say sorry? Help!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, my dad forced me too eat this stuff that i hate. and he took the bowl from my hand and I was trying to get it back. and i had pinch him and kicked him but i was just playing around. then my mom yelled at him and now he's mad at me. should i say sorry, it was all his fault>. and mom told me to go say soryy should I?




  1. Yes you should darlin!

                          It's the only dad you'll ever have! Sometimes making people happy, like your dad, saves a lot of grief and hardship in the long run!

  2. why not

  3. Apologize - violence is never a good response, playing around or not.

  4. Do it just because. Even if you don't mean it, just act like you do. It'll solve the whole problem up. And who knows, he might apologize back.

  5. yes, you were being abusive and disrespectful  so yes you should say your sorry and really mean it.

  6. You should say sorry even if your right or wrong.Cause its a good thing to say sorry.

  7. Yes,

    you should say your sorry... at the end of the day it is only one word and it can hurt you it will just make things better. noon wants to live in a house full of tention. you will make it better for everyone. somtimes it is good to stand you ground, and other it is easeir to give in. the fact that you had to ask provves that you know in your heart what to do!!!

  8. Hon, please dont take this in a bad way...but u should of taken the situation with some MATURITY. i hate a lot of thing i'm forced to eat, but in result, it's SO MUCH better for you, then the normal stuff. and if it's SO bitter, then HOLD UR NOSE! :) but yes, u SHOULD apologize. Tell ur dad that u are truly sorry, and that your "disobedience" was no way to act as a child. also, right in front of your father, tell ur Mother that it was all your fault, and that u wish tht this whole arguement, or fight never started. I doubt ur dad would EVER feed u something tht would harm u...i think u should of just listened to him. so yes to apologizing!

    hope tht helps!  

  9. Yes,if  for nothing else for your mom's benefit.

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