
Should I say sorry or move on?

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I have this friend.. Lets call her Karen. We were great friends until she changed schools. Now she acts like a jerk, and ditches my friend that also moved to that school. My other friend that went 2 that school didnt become like her. Karen is now ignoring me. Should I let go and move on or say sorry?




  1. Sorry to say but you need to move on. If she were a good friend she would act like one!  

  2. why on earth would you say sorry?? :O

        you havnt done ANYTHING wrong!!    its her fault if she rkns she is better then her friends,, if she even thinks like that she isnt worth your time!!   hang with your friends and forget her  :)

    hope it helps

  3. Should you say sorry for what? Unless you left something out, you didn't do anything!? People change, she is obviously not worth your time, especially if she is acting that way towards someone else. If she really thought of you as a friend, she would not act this way, and she would have talked to you about something that was bothering her. Move on there are lots of other people who may actually value your friendship...obviously SHE is not on of them!

  4. WHAT DID YOU DO WRONG TO HAVE TO SAY SORRY? Sorry, about caps! Just move on - what else is there to do? I mean a lot of people change when they get older - it happened 2 my friend and now she is a jerk 2. But you just have to accept it because it happens to other people - not just you! You'll make other friends - and so will she and sometimes you just have to move on. You can't always try to hang onto someone  - as you get older you will meet new people and will discover more. So just don't beat yourself up about it. It wasn't your fault that she changed - it was her choice. I hope you feel better and I hope I've helped! So, good luck!

  5. i think you should move on then! cuz is she became a *****, no one wants to be friends with one!!!

  6. say sorry, and if she continues like this, move on  

  7. you should move on because you don't have the move

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