
Should I say these parting words when the ex and I go our separate ways?

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My girlfriend and I were together for 4 1/2 years. We were the envy of hopeless romantics everywhere for four of those. The last half, I just figured she was busy with school and work, so of course the passion would be reduced some. I was still there for her.

I'm mostly upset with the way she broke up with me. After 4 1/2 years, including moving to Cape Cod, Puerto Rico, back to Okla. and just always being there for each other through thick and thin, she just dumped me: and it took just two sentences to do it! It was like this: "I'm young and I need to live. Please move out." Yes there were tears, but that was about it. I think she should have had a long disertation on how I've been the sweetest thing in the world for her, helped her grow up and get through some difficult times, encouraged her to follow her dreams, and that she thanks me so much for all of that. Then she could explain how it is time for her to be on her own and blah blah.

I asked, and she says there was no other guy, but she spent 400 minutes talking to this guy Zaine last month, who she knew from her summer class. She also continued using birth control.

We agreed that she would buy out my part of the lease (5 months), but she keeps dragging that out. First it'd be paid last friday, then this friday, now next month.

My options of what to say when I move out of our apartment:

1. Nothing/ Goodbye, or

2. I think you're a lying sack of c**p and I hope you have a crappy life!


What do yall think?

I promise I'm nearly over her




  1. I say you choose #3

    3. Oh btw, i've been HIV positive for the last 3 years.

  2. Say nothing, it's over. What would be the purpose?

  3. Tell her Good luck with the race. Actually, and don't explain it. You are wishing her good luck with the rat race of a life she is about to lead. Of course she is leaving you for another guy...don't be stupid. Don't let her get away without paying for that 5 months of the lease either. She will be looking for you to volunteer to help her out...thus the reason she will not admit that she has another man...she wants to get all you are willing to offer and she knows you will not if HE is in the picture. Stay strong...good people always attract good people...sooner of later...just be on the lookout and be careful.  

  4. well i gotta tell ya, i would tell her she's a low-life sleazy f' ing  c***.

    then "goodbye, good luck to you"

  5. Just leave. Dont let her know anything your doing. Let her feel how you feel. Good luck. =]  

  6. Wish her well for her future...being an *** won't alter anything, except maybe make you feel bigger...

  7. Say nothing.  When an ex left me that bothered me more than anything else.  Hearing absolutely nothing but the sound of him leaving.  This will also make her feel like you never cared anyway.

  8. I think she is with Zaine...the signs are there...obviously and sadly, she doesn't care how you leave..just that you leave. It sounds like she is over it and it won't really hurt her how you leave. Be the bigger person and learn from it. Apparently she sees something in Zaine that she hasn't had or is new...When we find someone else sometimes it erases all the great times we had with the other person...and we are just ready to "go".

    Good luck....

  9. Agree with her decision to break up and say 'yeah I've been thinking, I think this break up is the best thing'  No I'm not joking.  Just do it.  Why?  Because all of the options you have described above, are very typical reactions to a break up, and one she would be expecting.  Do the unexpected and just wait and see what happens.

    Best wishes.

  10. Number 2 for sure  

  11. take the high road.

    Say " i hope you find what ever it is that you are looking for. But know that you cant just erase 4 years of your life."

    Then leave. SHe will be like " what the h**l?!?" and that is the best impresseion to leave on a girl

  12. Just leave with no warning.  Let her be stupefied.

  13. Being a big person can be difficult, I say do what you really want to do, if you don't it will eat at you for a while.  Just get it out then move on life is full of moments, take each as it comes and do your best with it.  Mistakes will be made, but when you get it right woo hoo.  

  14. nothing

    don't give her the satisfaction of hurting yourself more.  

  15. wow that was worse than my break up. but just keep being nice to her and be your self. i promise she will realize what she did was wrong, once that Zaine guy does her wrong. i know that as much as we want to be b!tches to our ex, we should keep some dignity. but also do as much as possible to get your money. good luck and remember to keep your dignity.

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