
Should I see my doctor to talk about my mental health?

by  |  earlier

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I live in England and basically feel very numb and blank and it's totally affecting my whole life and has done ever since I started feeling this way about 2 and a half years ago. My question is- can I just go to my normal doctor and talk to them about this? What would they do about it? Am I over-reacting and just need to get over it/wait for the feelings to pass?




  1. its even good for you to notice you have or mighthave mental problems you should see a psychotrist or go to your doctor

  2. See your GP, and they will probably refer you for tests to see if there are any physical reasons for you not feeling right. If that comes back clear, you may need to discuss your feelings with a counsellor who will help you put things into perspective.  

    Make sure you do not get put on anti-depressant drugs. They don't work, and are hard to give up once you start, but are seen by many doctors as an easy solution.

    Good luck.

  3. It sounds a lot like depression from he description of your symptoms. You should definitely see a doctor if it has persisted for this amount of time. Depression and any other mental health problem can affect overall health. See a doctor!

  4. Yes! Your regular doctor is a great place to start. If you have felt like this for two and a half years, it isn't going to pass. I have experienced depression and waiting does not help at all.

    Your doctor may prescribe medication, and may also suggest talk therapy. Good luck

  5. you should be able to go to your normal doc and tell him about how you are feeling.  He will either prescribe you something or will refer you to a doc who is trained with mental illnesses.  But I would highly suggest that you see someone.

    Good Luck

  6. What happened to you 2 years ago that would cause this? Any major events such as the death of a loved-one?

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