
Should I seek psychiatric help?

by  |  earlier

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I think I may need to seek help or counseling, but I'm not really sure where to begin. I experience these persistent compulsions that will nag me to the point of missing classes if I don't rectify whatever it is I feel is incorrect.

-I have an inordinate fascination with symmetry and everything in my living space must be positioned according to such.

-I have an unhealthy obsession with bodily appearance as I always feel that there is something wrong or out place.

-I have zero interest in my academic studies and find myself "leap frogging" through ideas. If I go to finish my homework, I'll suddenly feel the need to clean and as I go to clean I'll feel the need to complete another task. It's difficult to accomplish anything.

-I have a serious fear of almost any kind of large social gathering or occasion. I dread them to such extremes that I often feel physically sick just thinking about them. I have also developed a nervous tic when I speak and become nervous or unsure.

I've been experiencing many of these problems for several years now and was content to pass some of them off as pure teen apathy, but now that I'm in college things have only gotten worse and now I'm in danger of failing classes when I have to pay for them! What should I do?




  1. could be obseesive compulsive disorder, theres lots of websites about this

    talk to a doctor or health professional

    could also be a lack of self confidence , hence the body thing , nervousness etc but you can get help for that too

  2. i think u should seek psychiatric help definitely.

  3. If you feel a need for help you should get it, if not a psychiatrist then at least a counselor.  The school should have people to whom to you can go for help and they can help you determine if more is needed.  See them.

  4. have s*x

  5. that could be ocd or some persoanlity disorder,you should def speak to someone,goodluck,man

  6. Almost every university has a mental health and counseling center, check your student website for yours, and go pay them a visit!  it's usually free for students.

    Although no one on this website can tell you if you do or do not have a psychological disorder with any certainty, i will point out that the point where a disorder is a problem is WHEN it becomes a problem.  If you are in danger of failing your classes, get help!

    Your counseling center can tell you where to go from there, and if you're too nervous to visit them, look for a "Academic Success Center" at your college instead!  good luck!

  7. *I* would say that if you have all of these *doubts* about your mental "health" such as; obsessions and apathy (mood swings), then -- providing you can afford it -- you *definitely* should see a recommended, trusted psychiatrist.

  8. I would not suggest *psychiatric* help, or at least not immediately, as these are things which could be dealt with (depending on the severity/impairment level) but counselling or therapy. I.e. if you can still go into social situations, despite fear, that's not really severe enough to merit relying on drugs. Your life can continue. Therapy takes a little longer, but has a set end date (the average is about 8 weeks, shorter than drug therapy). And fewer side effects. And deals with the cause. Therapy/counselling is the better option. You may need to talk to a GP or school/college counsellor about a referral, and which type you should try, in their opinion (i.e. counselling, CBT, RET...)

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