
Should I sell my car?

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I have an '02 Xterra with 70k miles and '06 Malibu Maxx with 40k miles. The plan early this year was to sell the Xterra when it could've fetched maybe $10k but other matters got in the way. So now I am a single 37y/o prof male with 2 cars but only really need one. I love both cars. The Xterra could probably fetch $5k and the Malibu maybe $10k right now.

I am thinking of selling the Malibu because I could get more $ and then saving the money towards an even more fuel efficient vehicle I could purchase in 2 years. My rationale is that there is more of a market for the Malibu and the Xterra at this point is lost cause. I also live in an area where there could be substantial snow fall during the winter. In addition, I have started to drive less. The only but to my thinking is that the Malibu is sweet. I really enjoy driving it.

Should I sell the malibu? or get what I can for the Xterra? or keep both vehicles?...


Confused car owner




  1. If the 'Bu is still sweet, why get rid of it? Plus if you're going to sell the Xterra, why not do it now? Its resale is only going to get worse as time passes. And you already have 70k miles on it. In addition to that, with the way fuel prices are now, if you could get a deal on the Xterra, I'd take it. Just My Opinion...

  2. keep the one wit the best gas mileage
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