
Should I sell my laptop? ?

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I'm getting a new phone this weekend (Samsung Glide) and since I will have internet access, I was wondering if I should sell my laptop. It's a Dell Inspiron 6000 wide screen with full upgrades, XP and MS Office. Will I have access to ALL websites from my new phone?




  1. probably not...these phones with web are a con. Most of them advertise the phone like you can access everything but they are all limited. I would keep your laptop as you will always need me.

  2. Lol are you serious?  Keep your laptop at least see if you can go a week with only using your phone.  Can it open pdf documents?  Word documents?  Can it do spreadsheets, run executable files?  What about flash and javascript?  Can you type well enough on your phone to write a long letter?

    Come on and be realistic.  A phone is a phone and a phone with internet capabilities is for last minute mobility access when you have no other choice.

  3. cellphones with those features especially internet access are quite limited. Keep the laptop

  4. 100% latest information on laptop and more in

  5. No, just because you will have internet access doesn't make it convenient.  Using a phone for internet is a pain in the a$$.

  6. Your phone isn't going to replace your laptop, and at least your laptop should be your backup!

  7. If I were you I would keep your lap top. I have an I-phone that comes in handy when I need the net on the road but there are a few draw backs.

    With the phone you can't down load anything.  Most pages that use Java or other software's will not load correctly. Also if you go to a page that has will not be able to hear it. If you use myspace or face book, you would not be able to upload photo's or anything. Also if you pay bills on line or anything like does not work to well on phones. A lot of pages but not all will not come up completely.

  8. cell phone internet is not a replacement to a laptop its a downgrade. cell phone have limited screen size so thay have limited options. as you will find out when you use the new sell phone.

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