
Should I send a cover letter without my resume asking for an interview?

by  |  earlier

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I do not want to just send my resume out to companies just so they can add them to their pile. Should I just send a cover letter asking if they are interested in speaking with me and if they would like to interview me?




  1. The cover letter is to bring focus to your resume.

    One should never be without the other.

  2. No, you should send both a cover letter and a resume.

    My boss is hiring and he specifically asked for a resume and coverletter, alot of people just sent resume, he weeded them out because they didn't know how to follow directions lol. Just be safe and send both!

  3. You'll want to include the resume too. This way they can decide for themselves if they want to interview you. Otherwise you're just another application.

    You have to make them want to interview you based on the quality of your cover letter and resume.

  4. ALWAYS send a covering letter, it's just a way of introducing yourself, make it specific to the company - make it speculative asking whether they have vacancies and then just attach your resume onto it

  5. I doubt you would get any results if you just send a covering letter. They will need to see your resume to decide if you are suitable for the job and whether to interview you or not. Tailor your letter and resume to the job - emphasise things they are looking for etc.

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