
Should I send my kids to school? Stomach flu . . .?

by Guest62450  |  earlier

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We are a homeschooling family and my daughters go to a co-op once a week.

Saturday night my 11yr old daughter threw up and I was up till almost 3:30am feeling just horrible. My daughter is feeling great today. She is helping her brother clean his room, being her normal loud self but still taking it easy with what she eats.

My other daughter has complained once or twice with stomach aches but still eats normally and haven't gotten sick.

My son today who doesn't go to the co-op isn't feeling good at all.

I'm still pretty weak and feeling like I could get sick again. Just feel "yucky".

Now tomorrow is the day the girls go to co-op. The rules state that if a child is sick 24hrs before than don't send them. But I am worried we have an illness traveling through the family and the fact of sending the girls to school could spread it to other families.

Am I being a worry wart for wanting to keep them home till we are all better? Or would it be find to take them tomorrow?




  1. Don't take them, it won't hurt them to miss it, and if they are sick or start feeling sick while you are there they'll just be miserable. Besides, you might be exposed to this same sickness if you go, and then it'll be even harder to get well. So, just stay home and rest as much as you can.

  2. keep them home. everyone else will appreciate it. Trust me, I have been in classrooms at co-ops, sunday school, church, the grocery store with people that are obviously sick and my only thought is "why didn't you stay home?"

  3. Would you want your daughter to be exposed to a friend that has been sick like her??? That is what I use when my kids aren't feeling well. If I think she's well enough to go out and play with her friends then she can go do things school related but if not then home she stays!

  4. Since you are this worried, and even though your kids are feeling a bit better, it may be best to keep them home this time.  I've had cases of stomach flu where I felt better one day and it was back the next, and if you are still ill, they could carry the bug from you to the co-op.  I think if I were a parent of another kid at the co-op, I would appreciate it if you erred on the side of  preaution.

  5. better safe than sorry. i am not homeschooling, but if i were the parent at the co- op, and your kid threw up all over the place, i would have wished u had kept her at home, then called u to come get yer kid... after I had cleaned up the mess. lol. like I said, better safe than sorrry.

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