
Should I send my seventeen year old daughter to aunts out of state?

by Guest56622  |  earlier

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One more question since the last responses. Since then my daughter ran away and missed work. We found her two days later with 3 local druggie guys. She assaulted me and spit in my face. We took he to a behavioral health center and she is going to be released after 3 days. She is 17 and a half and I want to send her to my husbands sister who is willing to take her. I think this is a new start where she can enroll and finish her senior year. She uses alcohol and I beleave she may be smoking pot. She says sh is out when she is 18 anyhow even though she has no job or car. What do we do? She should be released in 5 hours. Thanks




  1. Well speaking for experience I think the best thing for you to do. Is get her into a lock facility, rehab or something. Sending her away will not solve the problem.  Cause her behavior will keep up no matter where she is.  Im not sure where you live but there are mental hospitals that will take her and keep her being that she is a harm to herself.  Best of luck. I know its hard cause I go through it with my niece.

  2. It sounds like she needs to go to detox!

    If she goes to her aunts house, what's to say she won't still be using drugs and drinking?

    She could also feel rejection from being sent away.

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