
Should I separate the sneezing Rat from the other two? ?

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So I just got 3 female rats about a week ago. They are about 6 weeks old I'm guessing.

Recently, 1 of them started to sneeze once in a while, not a lot. Only like a few times a day. It isn't making any wheezing noise or and squeeky sound when it breathes so I don't think its a respiratory infections or anything. I think its just a cold, or I hope its just a cold.

But I think it is just a cold since it has gotten a bit cold where I live and I haven't turned on the heat yet to save money.

The other 2 aren't sneezing or anything.

The one that is sneezing looks totally healthy. There aren't any discharge around its eyes or nose. But I do notice that it is a bit lazier than the other 2. It sleeps more than the other two.

Should i separate it from the other 2 rats?

Is there anything I can do to help it heal faster?

Thank you.

Here's what I feed them, if it helps:

Lab blocks mixed with quick oatmeal, almond, crunched up soda crackers, raw rice, regular cheerios( no honey ), All Bran cereal, and in a separate dish I give them home grown veggies and mushed up blueberries.




  1. Your sneezing rat is sick and needs to see a vet.  At this point I wouldn't worry about separating the rats because if it's anything contagious, the other rats have it already and just aren't showing any signs, or have a better immune system.

    All rats, except certified lab rats, are carriers of mycoplasmosis.  When a rat shows signs of being ill, such as the laziness and sleeping, which may also include poryphin staining, it is sick since they tend to hide the fact they are sick.  It could also be allergies, or just a reaction to whatever bedding you're using - in any event, it still sounds like a trip to the vet is called for unless you don't mind waking up to possibly seeing a dead rat anytime in the near future.

  2. don'tseperate them.its sneezing because of new has to get used to the smells.its okay.

  3. Small rodents such as rats and hamster

    can catch colds even from their owners

    I would proberly seperate him until he shows

    signs of improvment he should be fine in a thew


    hope this helped (:

  4. If it is a respitory infection she will have to have antibiotics to keep it at bay. I wouldnt remove her from the other ones because most likely they have already have been exposed to it. Just take her to the vet and they can give you an antibiotic. The vet if you tell them you have other rats at home can give you enough antibiotics for all of them. I know alot about respitory infections in rats. My girls have had there fair share of them. The vet charges me $20 for the office visit and then gives me enough antibiotics for all of my girls. If they need more all I have to do is go up and pay and pick up another bottle. Good luck and hope I helped.

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