
Should I serve dinner at 3rd Birthday Party?

by Guest64202  |  earlier

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I am planning my sons 3rd birthday party for the afternoon 2-5 time frame. Should I serve dinner or would finger foods and snacks be okay? There would also be cake and ice cream.




  1. I would say finger foods are good. I wouldn't serve a big meal. Hot dogs are easy and inexpensive and most kids like them -if you decide to serve something more.

  2. Finger foods is best

    it would be a mess with 3 year olds

  3. Finger food should be more than enough try to make peanut-butter and jelly mini sandwiches, ham and cheese , turkey roll ups, cheese and crackers and fruit and veggies whit dressings. If you want to just do it the easy way just order cheese pizza for the kids and meat pizza  and salad bar for adults. He is only three try not to stress your self to much and make sure that you also enjoy the party.

  4. I wouldn't want to go home & start grubbin because nothing big was served to me at a party. There is no rule what to serve for the time frame you specified.....serve whatever. I would love some bbq for the adults and kids mini hamburger, curly fries, dinosaur chicken nuggets, juice box or capri sun, fruits, etc.

  5. I personally would do finger foods and snacks since it's 2-5.  Or you can just have cold cut and cheese platters with some breads and rolls and condiments.  When my kids were little these are the things i would do and then immediate family would stay for parents and my in laws.  Since all three of my kids are born in warmer weather...June, Sept. 2 and March 26th we kept dinner simple and would bbq.

  6. finger food and snacks will be fine. cake and ice-cream sounds good.

    enjoy the party x

  7. I would go with finger foods and snacks.

  8. at least finger foods and snacks.  For some reason, I hate going to a party where there is only cake and ice cream.

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