
Should I share my fantasies with my gf?

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I have always had a kind of loving incest fetish - most specifically of a brother/sister nature. I don't know where this fetish comes from - I have the typical disgust for the idea of s*x or love between my own family members, and I don't even have a sister in real life. There is no violence involved in the fantasy. So overall I consider it a pretty harmless fetish - except for the fact that I hide it and indulge it only through heavy reading of fantasy on the internet.

I used to feel incredibly ashamed about my fantasy, but lately I've become more open to myself. Once I imagined my girlfriend was roleplaying as my "sister" during s*x, and it has made the experience absolutely incredible.

I realize this is an incredibly taboo fantasy. My gf is not very open minded or adventurous when it comes to s*x, but has recently become a little bit more adventurous (she has even complained about too much sexual complacency). I'm really worried that this kind of roleplay is out of bounds and and would turn her off entirely though, and wonder if I should just keep my fantasy to myself. Is that a good idea? Or should I "come out"? If so, how?




  1. nooo she'd freak out, i know i would...too the effing max. i'd think he was a creep! (maybe cuz he actually has a sister and they are kinda suspiciously close but maybe im just trippin), but still, that would freak me out

  2. Personally I don't think you should tell her. Most people think incest is pretty messed up, and I'm not so cool with it either, ad you said she's not very openminded or adventurous so probably keep your fantasies in your head. If you share them with her she might be creeped out and withdraw from you sexually.  

  3. hey, if you really think you can open up to her like that. well try something small, see how she reacts, than move up to something a little bigger, if she cant handle it, well stop. also sharing to much info with someone, usually ends up in breaking up, usually because, theres no secrets, and everything is out in the open. wheres the sparks if theres no curiosity??

  4. I know I wouldn't want to hear this from my bf, even if he didn't have sisters. And I sure wouldn't want to play it. You say she's not open-minded. You might be better off keeping it to yourself. Roleplaying's okay, but I don't want to play sis to his bro.

  5. Ay yi yi yi yi...

    I am normally a very strong advocate of open communication, but I'd have to recommend that you proceed with extreme caution here.

    The human mind is fascinating, and when it comes to s*x, there is no end to the things that different people find erotic - sometimes you can identify the source or origin of it, and other times, it's just inexplicable.

    This could increase the intimacy and trust you share, or blow the whole relationship to pieces.  

    Personally, I am very open-minded sexually, but I have to admit that I don't think I could respond very well to this one.  Everyone has their personal boundaries and limits, and what is totally hot and sensual to one, may be totally disgusting and crude to another, or it may simply be a little disconcerting.

    Here's the best I can come up with...

    Maybe bring up the subject of p**n, or erotic literature...see how she responds to that.  Then, mention or show her one of the stories you came across (I'm leaning more toward "mention") - be kind of non-commital about it - something along the lines of, "I came across this story today, and it was so different from anything else I've read,"..something alone those lines.

    I'm guessing she's going to show you some sort of reaction right disgust, curiosity, giggles...

    Then, based on her reaction, you can make the decision whether this is something you can share, or if it's one of those things best left inside your head.

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