
Should I shave down there?

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My boyfriend asked me to do so, but I'm not quite sure I wanna do it. It seems like it's gonna itch so much as it grows back. Do you guys think it's worth it? Will shaving have any great effects on me?




  1. for me i do both shave and wax depending on how i feel

    i think u should do what u want not what he wants u to do

    and for me i like being shaven down the cus well it jest feels better if u kno what i mean

    i don't want my bf to open my pants up to see a bush growing lmao

    so do want u want not what he wants u to do

  2. I'd rather not shave, but it's your choice. I think it would be itchy and stubble is pretty nasty. Maybe give it a go to see what you think, but if you don't like it then just stick to trimming and partial shaving and your boyfriend will have to accept that.


  3. honestly, i wouldn't shave. if you want to remove hair then go to a good salon and get a bikini wax or a brazilian bikini wax or whatever you want. shaving's really easy to s***w up. you can get razor bumps if you're not careful and yes, it will itch after. if you are going to shave though, make sure that you follow the correct steps! and trim first, it makes it easier. you have to be very careful if you shave and even if you are, it might itch and get bumpy. i do not recommend it, i tried that when i was 13 and it was terrible. if you want to get rid of the hair down there then save yourself trouble and get a wax at a salon!

  4. No you shouldn't! you should wax :P my opinion on your question is biased, being a beauty therapist, but for hygene reasons -and summer days, it is the best option. You should have around two hair-free weeks and two waiting for a long enough length of hair to wax, its the best option in the long run for hair reduction! shaving will only increase growth and make it a pain when you do go to wax in a few years, best start from now, hope this helps you a bit!

  5. what is your age? its very personal choice..

    you may go for it if you like to.. yeah it will itch a bit.. you are a wonderful gal will be a wonderful gal even if you shave that or not...

    your worth lies on you not on those hairs..

    if you yourself like then go for it..

  6. Okay, this is a guy talking here, and hun, if you're not sure if you want to shave or not, then don't do it.  It's your body, and your boyfriend should not have control over what you do or do not do to your body.  If you want to leave yourself as you are, then do that.  Tell him that he's not in control of that, and if he gets mad about that little thing that should be YOUR choice in the first place, then he isn't the guy for you, hun.  Tell him "no" and go from there.

  7. Tell your boyfriend to do it first, It will be hilarious to watch him scratching his nads for a week or so. You can trim it a little with scissors, too. No itchin', no b*tchin', right? Meet him somewhere in the middle. If you do shave a little, shave in only one direction, either up or down. And use shea butter or coco butter immediately afterward. Keeps the itching to a minimum. Us men refer to it as manscaping, funny, right?

  8. DONT SHAVE! if ure gonna do it, get a wax job. shaving causes redness rash itchy regrowth puss etc. its not worth it.

  9. well i would definitley do it but not shave, wax.. Dont feel funny theyre professionals and they see more juts than we ever will.. There is only a benefit if he does it too because s*x is really good when you are both clean shaven (waxed)  By the way do it because you want to not because he wants you to...

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