
Should I shave my legs?

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I'm a former BIcyclist turned TRIcyclist.

Would it be acceptable for me to shave my legs or would I look like a wannabe?




  1. Well, I'm certainly not going to do it for you. So if you want it done you will have to do it yourself.

  2. My understanding of why you shave is so that if/when you fall on the bike, it makes getting the road rash cleaned a bit easier. If you're worried about drag on the swim, get a wetsuit. Since I'm assuming by your question you didnt shave as a cyclist, i don't see why you would start now. As far as looking like a wannabe, nobody that you train or race with is going to notice that you shave your legs unless you point it out. About the only way to come off as a wannabe in a tri is to show up with a $2000+ tri bike and get smoked by someone on a mountian bike, and even then they probably still won't care.

  3. all the cyclers that i've heard of shaving their legs do it so that when they fall it easier to pick out the gravel and is easier to clean wounds.

    do what you want.

  4. Absolutely!  I mean, who else would shave your legs?

  5. Do as you want.

    Now, just a question on my behalf: What for?

  6. I'm not sure why it matters whether your into 3 sports or just one. Either way you'll spend a lot of time on your bike.

    Shaving is ultimately a personal choice. The reasons the pros do it is for after-crash wound care and faster healing and for more effective massages which they get every day. For an amateur (like me) those reasons are still valid (self-massage is still easier) but there are other advantages. Bare legs feel much better in hot weather and they are easier to clean after a long, sweaty, dirty ride.

    Would it be acceptable? I doubt anyone would notice.

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