
Should I shave off my beard and mustache, or should I keep it?

by Guest21254  |  earlier

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Tell me the truth, but be reasonable.




  1. Are you using your beard and mustache to hide something?  If you have a nice face, show it off !

  2. You really could use a trip to a professional barber.  Get them to take off a lot of that beard.  The beard actually ages you if you must know.  The mustache needs to be trimmed and cleaned up if you are going to keep it.  Since you asked about the truth I think you should go on ahead and get rid of the side burns...Elvis is dead and side burns are long gone.  Go one ahead while you are there and get yourself a nice and professional haircut.  Maybe you could keep a goatee if you did decide to get rid of that "out of date" beard and mustache.  

    You are not a bad looking man at all, you just need a small "makeover"!!!  Good Luck!!

    Peace & Love  :)

  3. Ask yourself what Obama would want you to do.

  4. You can keep it but you have to groom it.  That "I'm Santa at 30" just doesn't cut it.  Lose the side burn things and go for a trimmed goatee maybe.  Look like you give a darn how you look, that'll get you points even if you miss the mark.

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