
Should I shorten my stirrups up a hole?

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Tonight I shortened my stirrups up a hole. It felt different since well, it was different. I was just playing around and I found it's easier to keep your hands quiet with shorter stirrups, but my feet stick out a bit more so I had to put a little more pressure on my knees to turn them in. I was wondering if they were too short. I have some pictures of me jumping and on flat. With them that length, I always feel like I am reaching for my stirrup. Help! I want the length usual hunter riders have.




  1. you have a great jumping position, and i think your stirrups seem fine.

  2. It doesn't hurt to try, but I have a feeling it will make you get higher out of the saddle when jumping and there's already a decent amount of air between you and the saddle.  But go ahead, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work, and you'll put them back.  You should ride whatever is most comfortable for you.

  3. i say shortening 1 whole is no big deal

  4. They could actually be shortened up another hole.

  5. They are OK on the flat. I like my stirrups short so I would personally take them up a whole but thats just me.

    Over fences though I would put them up a hole. You have a good base of support but your knee angle is really open. Your position looks solid though so I wouldnt rush to shorten them untill you are comfortable with this new length.

    At the halt (with your legs hanging relaxed) the stirrups should hit around the middle of your ankle bone for work on the flat and for jumping it should hit slightly above the ankle bone.

  6. do you have half holes on your stirrups? or a leather hole punch (or know anyone with one)? i would put in an extra hole and see if the half hole works well...

  7. i think they look fine. they r supposed to make ur legs  higher just as long as your knees dont go over the saddle... and ur horse is very pretty

  8. your stirrups look long in the position, but you have a great leg position. Try posting pics of the shorter stirrups so we can compare.

    In the pictures you feet are sticking out a bit, so you may need to work on that and then shorten your stirrups.

  9. Your stirrups look fine in the jumping pictures, but look a couple holes long in the flatwork picture.

  10. /the stirrups look okay,

  11. Try using the following method. Kick your feet out of the stirrups and feel where the stirrup hits your foot. The pad of the stirrup should hit right at your ankle bone lump on the side of your foot. That should be your adjustment for flat work. For jumping, shorten from there two to five holes depending on the height of the jumps.

    Judging by the pictures, I think you could benefit from shortening your stirrups. From what I've read of George Morris, he likes to see a 90 degree angle in the leg in the air, and yours is larger than that. And if you feel like you are reaching for them on the flat, then your legs are probably not quiet.

  12. In the jumping pictures, they look fine.

    With flatwork, your holes should be about two shorter. If your doing two point to warm up though, keep them at jumping length.

  13. well besides being the worst pics ever, ur stirrups are suposed to come up just a little ways past ur ancles,in western anyway

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