
Should I show up for work?

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I have requested 2 weeks off from work because I went on a Vacay.

I requested August 11-24th Off.

Just got back from my Vacay an hour ago and called my work place asking when and what time am I scheduled to work.

A co-worker told me I will be working Tmrw *Sunday 24th*. From 12-6PM.

HEY I thought I requested that off!?

Requested that off because I will be going to a Family Reunion Tmrw in Los Angeles.

So I called my Manager, and he was all like " I forgot ohh shoot. Ask ******** if she should stay til 6PM. "

I don't want to ask her because shes already working 8-5. Hah..

Now, there is this other coworker that is suppose to be CLOSING with ME. Gheez, she can close by herself!

Okay nevermind, I think I'll NOT show up because Family always come first! Haha.

But do you think my co-workers are all mad because I haven't been there in two weeks!?

What should I say/do when I come back?...




  1. its that guys job to replace you and therefore he remembered you were to be off so therefore be off don't' worry about them and come in like you had a good long vacation and ignore them as far as that request and move on they probably wont' think noting of it cause its the moron who scheduled you to work that knew what was up.

  2. Um you defiantly need to call back and tell them you cant make it,

    you told them in advance, its their mistake.

    but you Can't not show up for work because you will get fired so call your manger and tell him, then call someone to cover you.

  3. Call back your Manager and say, "Hey, you know what? I requested the day off. You forgot. You call whats-her-name and ask het to stay until 6pm. Bye"

    He's an idiot.

    Oh and you don't have to say anything to them when you get back. You requested the time off and you don't owe them an explanation. Your Manager messed up, he should be explaining.

  4. i used to have to work every holiday and everytime i requested time, but others just didn't bother to show.  they called in sick and nothing ever happened to them.  finally, i caught on.  i was surprised to be able to spend christmas with my children and not get fired for it!

  5. They had no right to make you work on the day you requested off, that just isn't fair.

    Maybe you need to make yourself more clear and let them know you just can't do it.  Have you done that?

    It's not polite to just 'not show up.'  If you did that, it would p**s them off and give them grounds to be angry at you.

    Tell them your not going to be there and if they don't like it, then that's their problem for s******g up in the first place.

  6. well family comes before anything you could always find a new job.. but i dont think that would happen because you requested it off. just dont go in l.a. rocks! and no their most likely not mad at you that would be weird if they were just because your gone!!  

  7. Sounds like you don't need the job...just quit!

  8. If your leave was confirmed, you should not have to go in. Your manager should not have made it your problem to find a replacement.

    However, since you did call and were told to come in, you probably should not just blow it off now. Call back and say look I made plans that day, I am sorry if you forgot but I am outta here.

  9. s***w them if they care if you show up you have every right to be able to take 2wks off and go do your thing they were aware of that and if you had requested that off than dont work,as for your manager asking you to find out if whoever would work for you thats not your job its his to find someone to cover especially because you requested it off like i said if your coworkers get mad thats too bad bc they knew you had requested that off anyway

  10. You Manager should be the one handle scheduling problems.  Call him back and talk to him like he is a decent civilized human and not the idiot you think he is right now.  Tell him since your not a manager and do not create the schedules you don't feel comfortable asking some one to cover for you like you were just now asking for the day off.  If he has any brain his ego will be stroked because you are making him the guy in charge.  If his isn't that dumb and won't go for it,

    Call his supervisor and use the same ploy. But, I would also start looking for another job because this guy is a buck passer and not a manager.

  11. don't call or show up. ur co workers will get over themselves and so will ur mgrs.

  12. Vacation requests should always be in writing, signed by the manager,then there is no misunderstanding.  If a family reunion is more important than a job that you have already been away from for two weeks, you must not need your job very bad.  Don't be surprised if you don't have one when you come back in.  If you have nothing in writing, it's your word against the managers

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