
Should I spend my money of should I save it to go shopping for next year for clothes?

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What should I do with my money should I by clothes with it or save it up




  1. Open a saving account and reassess your wardrobe.  I just spent $95 on a pair of shoes and came home and found an almost identical pair in the closet. Felt like I did when I was 8 years old and spent my first earned dollar bill on a 99 cent billfold.

  2. Why not spend some and save some - after all tomorrow may not come, but on the other hand if it does you need to be prepared.

  3. I would save it up because the clothes you get yeaah... might be ohh that's cute, and all but then they wind up getting torn up, and dirty so when you save it up, you can find a thing that you really want, and right there is the money for it!

  4. You didn't say how much you're talking about?  A month's salary? an inheritance? a paycheck for a couple of weeks? Money from your parents?  WHAT?  

    I think you should get into the habit of saving 10 or 20% of all the money you get...say "I am paying MYSELF".  & watch it grow!!

    By the time you are my age, you'll be a rich woman!

    (think you'll never be this old?  lol ...either did I...!  but I did...and I didn't (save it)...and I'm NOT (rich)...AAMOF, I have nothing! all becuz I didn't want to believe whoever told me that.

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