
Should I splash out on a big massive telly?

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I'm torn between want and need here folks.

I have -£1400 but £2500 overdraft overhead (£1000 spare) and a fairly well paid new job starting in two weeks. Me and my girlfriend - both huge film fans - want to make a rare splash of cash into buying one of those massive TV sets.

We're targetting a Samsung 37" HD LCD TV. This costs £519 from several websites. But... we're tempted to get a top of the line home cinema sound system with DVD player. The website Laskys are quoting £700 for the bundle. It's supposed to cost £250, so a good deal.

However, we have thin floors and our landlady's four year old daughter is in the room below. A home cinema sound system would be fantastic but is it unpractical and uncessary extra spending? Or is it worth the punt for quality, experience and good value.

I'm indecisive when it comes to money. I know the logical thing to do would be do not spend anything and put up with our ancient 14" TV. But... I want it.

What's the best thing to do?




  1. This forum, home theater ELECTRONICS, is for discussions centered around technical home theater and TV operational and electronics questions, not a polling place for the psychologically challenged and indecisive. Anyone who would ask a question like this on a public electronics forum does have a problem.

    As you do need help (!), try the "Social Science-Psychology" and "Family & Relationships" forums, where many untrained, bleeding hearts will flock to answer a question only you have the ability to solve. As to here, just GO AWAY!

  2. I can't help with whether you should or shouldn't ... I'm sure there are better fora for that ... but I can offer some input.

    There are two main issues ... size of room/viewing distance and noise.

    First, noise. Given the rental situation and, presumably, the inability to make structural changes you really have no viable options on this other than to keep the volume down. That said, the volume is entirely independent of picture size. However, this assumes you don't buy a home theater system and just go with sound from the TV.

    Now, size. If you buy a 37" 720p HDTV you can comfortably watch it at 7-8 ft. At greater distance a larger screen is warranted.

    So ... if you want an HDTV focus on the video and buy a screen of a suitable size (and cost) for the room, and forget about a home theater sound system unlti you have a place of your own.

    Hope that helps.

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