
Should I start punishment or anything yet?

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My daughter just turned 13 months. I cant take her anywhere. She screams if she dont get her way and I dont let her run awround a store. I dont understand why shes acting this way. I have tride smacking of her hands which dosnt faze her at all. Ive tride babyproofing everything possible but now she climbing. If I go out of her zone where shes aloud and go over the gate to say put some laundry in she losses it. Im going back to work and school soon. IDK who to allow or where to even take her. She smacks me and bites already. I havent tride anything yet but saying no and i tride the hand smacking and i tride turning the situation around to where i get her attention to play with something other then the things shes not suppose too have and still dosnt work any suggestions?




  1. Put her in timeout.. for gosh sakes.

    Don't smack or put toothpaste in her mouth.,

    Whats wrong with you people

  2. Whether it sounds humane to you, or anyone else, or not, "wash her mouth out with soap". Whenever she's bad, put a little bit of toothpaste onto her toothbrush, and brush her teeth as if you would normally. She should the point. I know I did...

  3. You should start punishment, not to be mean but a nice spanking will show her that she has to follow you.

    Theres a line between parent and friend for your child, you have to maintain the parent status and punishment will make the future a whole lot easier.

    When I say future, I mean as a teenage where she might get into a rebel phase. If spanking doesn't work, just flat out give her the silent treatment. Don't even consider her presence and even if she says sorry, keep doing it till you feel she is truly sincere.

    P.S. WTF would STERNLY telling your kid "NO" do? What if they don't give 2 s***s that you say that?

  4. The best way to discipline a 13 month old and teach them their limits is with redirection and stern, firm tones of voice.  I can see a small tap on the hands when reaching for something dangerous though.  A 13 month old has no understanding of danger or right from wrong.  When she goes for something that she shouldn't be, then redirect her with a firm "NO" and physically place her in a place where she can play.  

    And tantrums at that age are best handled by removing her from the situation and placing her in a time out so that she can have her tantrum without you feeding into it.  Don't reward the tantrums with attention.  She will catch on as she gets older.  

    When she smacks you or bites you, get into her eye level and look at her and firmly tell her "NO, biting/hitting hurts", and then put her down and walk away for a few minutes.  She will begin to get the message.  When she gets upset when you get out of eye sight, just pop back in every couple minutes and let her know you are still here.  But sometimes she will just have to fuss for a couple minutes if you have to run to the bathroom or check on supper.  She'll adjust.


    Wow, thanks "thumbalina"!

  5. Put her in a time out.  Washing her mouth out with soap or anything else is abusive.  You may have to hold her sitting down on a little bench or chair at first.  Put a timer on so that you can hear when the time is up.  Stay calm.  Usually time outs are 1 minute  per age.  If she starts over right away, start the time out over.  She will soon figure it out.

    Good luck

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