
Should I start surfing on my own?

by Guest10985  |  earlier

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So I really want to start surfing...either on my own or by taking surf lessons. Everyone I know who surfs doesnt live in my state so I'm kinda stuck.Since I can't find anyone who surfs in my area, it looks like I'm gonna be out there teaching myself..which I'm not so enthused about,lol.

SO what do you think?will it be tough alone or better to have someone baby stepping me through?...

And what are some tips to remember when I'm out there?

Thanks to the moon,



whats the best type of board and body suit?

i heard a long board is best for beginners..and I'm not sure bout the wet suit




  1. its BEST to get lessons. you never know what might happen in the water if your out there all alone. don't try to be "TOUGH" by doing something on your own that can get dangerous at times i mean come on think about safety too. Good luck with surfing.



  2. Surfing is so much fun yet can become dangerous. What state do you live in?

    I tried to teach myself to surf (I live in FLORIDA) and it wasn't pretty. I eventually had to break down and get someone to teach me. I would suggest an Isle Surfboard for a beginner.

    Their website is:

    They have very good prices and provide info to help get you started.

  3. The water is warm enough right now, so you don't really need the extra expense of a wet suit...wait and see if you stick with it first.  If you do and become an avid surfer, then fork out the money for one.  As for the board, yes long-boards are best for beginners.  Go take a one-day's worth it.  

    Have fun and good luck!!

  4. I seem to have the same problem. I wouldnt recommend teaching yourself, although people do it successfully sometimes, it's better to have some kind of direction to learn pop ups and how to go out to a wave and where and all of that stuff. Even just one lesson would be better than to not take any at all if you have no else to teach you. And, if you do decide to teach yourself please take a friend so you don't get hurt or something and have noone else nearby to help you.

    Starting out on a longboard would probably be best and a softop if you can get one so you dont have to deal with wax and traction pads and all of that to start out. And, if you live in warm enough temperatures, I would wear boardshorts and just like a rashguard, sometimes i wear like two rashguards

    i buy mine off of here because they're cheap and hold up really well (like i can wear one for like 1 1/2 years before i have to buy another one)

    Tips: if i could tell you one tip it would be not to get frustrated because that takes all of the fun away and can leave you really dissapointed plus, if you're frustrated you won't be able to focus on doing it. If you don't get up on the first few tries don't give up, keep on trying and if you realize what you did than great, but if not and you have an instructor ask him or her for tips on what to do next time to fix what you were doing wrong.

    Hope this helps and that you experience one of the greatest sports ever.

  5. i'm a newbie and i went out by myself with a longboard

    you can try watching HOW TO SURF vids on Youtube.. there are some good ones, but I highly recommend getting an instructer which is what I have decided to do.

  6. I recommend you DO NOT take surf lessons. They are a waste of money.

    I learned on my own (probably because I am poor), and i didn't have a surf buddy at first.

    The best brand is called "NSP" (New Surf Project)

    these boards are made especially for beginners. They sell different sizes, and i can't tell you what size to get, because I don't know your height. (ask a pro at the surf shop)

    It depends on where you live (for your wetsuit)

    I live in FL, and I have a springsuit (for winter)

    Springsuits are cut at the mid-arms, and mid-legs, so it keeps your torso warm (WARNING: gives bad tan line)

    A rash guard is also nice to have. Maybe a few pairs of boardshorts. or just a rash guard and your bikini bottoms...

    The regular wetsuit is obviously for colder water (up north)

    Some extra tips: make sure you buy a leash, and traction pad is good too.

    when waxing your board, its always best to wax it in a circular motion. also, you can never have too much wax on your board.

    I hope this helps, and have fun surfing!!!!  : )

  7. Surfing is an ocean sport. before you decide to surf, decide to know and understand the ocean. Learn to be at home with its currents, rips, undertows and sometimes BIG waves. The original surfers were watermen (and women, both men and women surfed, but certain waves were reserved for royalty. I don't just mean being good at swimming in a pool, the ocean can be very unforgiving. I have seen lots of really good pool swimmers have to get rescued. You have to learn surf etiquette (so the experienced surfers in the line up don't want to drown you), how to paddle and take off on a wave, and how to ride a wave.

    Lessons are usually the best way to start, unless you are an adolescent or young adult with lots of pals who surf who can teach you. Go to a real surf shop. The folks there can hook you up with lessons, and even rent you a board to learn on.

    Don't rush into buying anything, until you have had a few lessons and decide that surfing is really something you want to stick with.

    Be careful of what you read here on line. There are lots of really well meaning young folks who have neat answers about surfing, but at 55, I tend to classify anyone under 25 as a kid. After I found this site, I figured that I could answer a few questions, and spread the 'good news' of surfing. After you learn to swim and master the ocean, get your REAL advice from a surf shop, where industry professionals earn their rent money selling surfboards. However, if they think you are just a 'kook' tourist out to rent a board, you won't necessarily get the best attention.

    I am kind of curious what you mean by, "Everyone I know who surfs doesn't live in my state."  If you live where there is an ocean, somebody surfs there. There are even surfers (very patient surfers) who live along the Gulf of Mexico and ULTRA patient surfers who live on the Great Lakes.

    Most people learn best on long boards, although I have seen lots of surfers start on a short board and master it. In the long run, there are NO RULES on waht type of board you haven to learn on. Long boards are ideal for learners. There are also good internediate length boards to learn on, funshapes, mini-mals and some hybrids. That is why instructors use long boards of fun boards (or even softtops).

    THE REAL BOTTOM LINE IS: Go to a Surf Shop, not a computer. The pros there can give you the right answers!!

    Good luck. Once you try surfing (and learn the 'right way') you'll have fun for life. I have been surfing since 1966.

    Take the time to check out the links, especially surfingforlife.

  8. Get a softtop longboard. I would suggest paying an instructor to teach you. As for the wetsuit i would rent or buy a full suit.

    The Surfboard Man

  9. I've got to agree with Mel here.  Surf lessons are a waste of time.  They are on the other hand good for meeting other hopefulls I suppose...

    It might look a bit weird, but the best thing you can do is dig the fins of your surfboard in the sand on the beach, and practise popping up a hundred times before you hit the water.  If you can get your feet in the right place without looking or thinking about it, you've got the first half sorted already!

  10. yes

  11. I'm 22, and have been surfing since I was 7. Contact me at, it's easier to talk on there. Feel free to ask me any questions you need to :);...

  12. id def take lessons. u can get really hurt if u dont know what ur doing and its pretty hard to do on ur own. they can size ur board and wet suit, its different for everyone. search around online for surf lessons in ur state/county or wherever you will be in the water. good luck

  13. it's always a better idea to go with someone especially as you learn because what happens if you hit by your board and knocked out? it's a safety issue.

    head to a surf shop for some individual help!

  14. Its better if someone teaches you the baby steps first, so you know the load down on the surfing techniques.

    Also its best to wear a wetsuit, or board shorts when first learning. Also surfing with a friend can be good , just in case any of you get into trouble out in the waters (:

    Good luck :D

  15. im not sure about the board or wet suit but you can probably check online....

    If i were you i would get someone to teach you but with a friend so if you mess up it wont be that embarrasing or awkward and your friend would be learning to surf with you!

  16. Dont surf by yourself because you are just staring. Saftey first you might drown. Have someone from beach help you and say i want to surf.

  17. Well I'm not much of a surfer so I don't know what type of wet suit to wear cause I'm a swimmer, but if you want to teach your self then go for it you could probly be better then most of the pro surfers if you try hard enough

  18. DON'T SURF BY YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!  Especially if you're a beginner.

    Always make sure you have a buddy. Who's gonna help you of you get konked on the head with your surfboard?

    Take some lesson first and see if you can find a buddy in the surfing class. The instructor will also help you determine the right board and right wetsuit.

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