
Should I start talking to him?

by  |  earlier

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Well we knew each other since we were little kids. I like him. i have always liked him. He always shoots me with pellet guns, chases me, stare's me down,always telling me to come over his house, everytime I ride by he always yells my name...

Does it sound like he likes me?

Should I start talking to him(like seeing if I want to date him)??




  1. Oh he has a HUGE crush on you! That's so cute.. You should definitely talk to him, let him know you like him, but let him do the asking out part. And remember don't do anything your parents wouldn't approve of! Good luck!

  2. Duh.

  3. yes he is madly in love!!!!!!!!!!!  ask him out or ask a friend to ask him out for u since ur not sure. do u like him??? if u do go for him.

  4. go for it sounds like he likes u just remember that boyfriend and girlfriend can end but friends stay together for ever so decide what u want

  5. Go ahead and talk to him! Sounds like puppy love lol!

  6. Sounds like summer love!!

    Go for it! You have nothing to lose!

    Well except your virginity, but your 15, and thats too young!!

  7. Well hun, how old are you?  How old is he?  What would your parents think?

    I'm sure he likes you or he woud ignore you.

    Whatever you decide,  just be careful and be safe!!

  8. Sounds like love at first sight, definitely talk to him.

  9. aww thats cute :)

    its a proven fact that when a guy is always picking on a girl its cuz hes interested and besides you two have know each other for like ever so i say to take a chance and approach him on this subject :)

    good luck!  

  10. give it a try

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