
Should I start wearing make up to work?

by Guest62154  |  earlier

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I'm very pale and sometimes my co-workers say that I look tired and all. I have noticed pretty much nearly all the females wear make up to work. I work at the kids playland and cafe.. Should I start wearing a bit of make up 'little eyeliner, mascara and top it off with lip gloss?I have make up but I hardly use it...

How can I hide my paleness?




  1. to add a little life to your skin...BLUSH! it's the easiest and fastest way to look awake and have a fresh face. if you want to make it a little heavier go for a little eyeliner and mascara and lipgloss. no lipstick bc it might look a little  much. plus eyeliner mascara gloss and blush is a 5 minute face.

  2. I'm really pale too, just use maybe a little blush and lip gloss to make you look less tired. also, using white eyeliner on the inner corners of your eyes will make them look bigger and more awake.

  3. dnt use any heavy foundation try 2 find some mineral wear they have it at wallgreens and try some lip blam and a dash of blush plus using ice on the bottom of your eyes b4 going 2 bed makes u look awake and ready 4 work good luck...

  4. look for a video showing people how to use make up (for pale face's)

    have fun


  5. Use make-up if you feel like it. It sometimes lifts the morale.

    Much more important is to get yourself to a doctor. You may well be suffering from a problem called anemia which has all of the symptoms you describe in your question. This can be dangerous for you if you don't get it treated. The treatment is relatively easy, just diet and a course of pills is usual, but do not delay.

    If it is anemia, once it is treated, you will feel and look much better than you have ever felt and looked before.

  6. If anything I would wear some undereye concelear to brighten up your eyes and some mineral powder foundation to even out your skin tone.  If you want to wear the other stuff that's cool too but be sure to stay true to yourself and don't try to look like everyone else.

  7. get a tan.

  8. you can wear makeup if you really want to. a liquid foundation that matches your skin tone can help. and use a little bit of blush on the upper part of the cheeks and a tiny bit on the forehead. But use a big blush brush, and blow on the brush before you apply.

  9. Well if you're pale I wouldn't recommend using eyeliner because that will make you look even more pale. Since you don't wear makeup I would start off with using natural looking makeup. Like neutral and light brown shades of eye shadow and possibly an expresso shade of mascara. Also, if you do not like being pale try Jergens Natural Face Daily Moisturizer for a little bit of color and maybe some Mineral powder and bronzer.

    Hope that helps(:

    Someone please answer mine!;...

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