
Should I start withdrawing all my money out of National City?

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I heard that bank is going down. I'm not waiting for the government to reimburse me! Are other people doing it too?




  1. unless you have more then 100,000 dollars you have no worries.. rumers that hurts the economy when everyone takes there money out

  2. Yes go do it becasue everyone else is.. Jesus...

    No if I was you I would learn how to hunt! Not just animals but people. Once our economy goes under and it WILL, you will need to know how to hunt and cook for your food. Since there are so many people that will be fighting you for it, you will have to learn to kill them or starve. Man I am so glad I know how to hunt, swim, fish, survive. Survival of the fittest at its best! Enjoy the long drop to h**l!

  3. Right now, the only thing going down is National City's stock, as are the stocks of most regional banking companies.  According to a press release from today, National City has seen no unusual depositor activity, meaning very few people are withdrawing their money from the bank.

    Since most banks may be in the same boat as National City, redepositing your money elsewhere may just be going from the frying pan to the fire.  On the safe side, I would make sure you are not over the FDIC limit in savings in any bank.

  4. As long as you have less than 100,000 your money is guaranteed. Having said that... if you feel uneasy about your bank, I would withdraw  the money. It sounds paranoid, but a person needs to feel good about the ability to access  their money when needed. The FDIC has been keeping National City going, but if I were with National, I would move it.

  5. If you are uncomfortable move your funds to a new bank..

  6. no, they will not be going out of business.  they have enough liquidable assets to pay off everyone who has money in their bank.

  7. All the banks are going down ! Get your money while you can and buy gold coins.

  8. ive heard the same.. do as you wish.

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