
Should I stay in school?

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I am 29 years old and go to school part time for a BS in biology. My dilemma is I am terrible in school my gpa is below 2.0 and at the rate i'm going I have another 4 or 5 years and thousands more dollars in student loans. But I have always drempt of having a degree ( I would be the first in my family). I have already spent $40,000 and my career now (Veterinary Technician) is very hard on the body and I don't see how I can do it in 15 years. I'm not sure what I would do with the degree yet. But I do love to learn even though my grades are terrible. It's extremely stressful though. EXTREMELY stressful.AHHHHHH Help.




  1. Why not try a community college. You could take remedial courses for the subject you are having trouble with. This would be a break for you and the expense's at a community college are not high.  

  2. Considering the stress you're under and your low GPA, I would opt for getting training in a biology related field like a lab technician. It is not physically taxing like being a vet tech. Forensic crime labs and big pharmaceutical companies are just two of the industries that use lab techs. A community college or technical college career counselor could explain other options that are related to the biology knowledge you already have. Good luck!! : /

  3. Is there anything worse than doing the right thing for the wrong reasons?

    I'm not getting the part about how you could be learning much, compared to what you've already invested, how much more time it's going to take, & how you find every bit of it extremely stressful?  

    My thought is you first need to figure out what is going to make you happy in life?  And considering if you ever do graduate, you will be competing with those who are 10-15 years younger, & they can afford to work for less than most older people who have a mountain of bills to cover.

    To thine old self be true >> Shakespeare

  4. Bill Gates dropped out and look where he is.

    Seriously..if being a vet is physically taxing specialize in kittens. There are a lot of fields in endevour that are available to any one with the drive to do it. Maybe you opted for the wrong field and the struggle is compromising your effort.

    $40k is about what you'd earn extra in the first 4-5 years of work copared to the alternative unless you come up with a really great idea.

    Discern your passion,get symbiotic education for it and have fun.

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