
Should I stay or leave he is driving me crazy?

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been w/my husband for 19 years and I have always been the money maker of the family. I do all the shopping laundry cleaning cooking paying bills and work 2 jobs while he works one and gets home 3 hours before me and does nothing but sit on the computer. He acts like he has never done anything wrong when he was a kid and rides our 2 boys all the time about everything they do. He judges everyone when he does the same thing. He treats me like I am stupid cause I am the money maker in the house. He spends alot of money on his cars and I get it thrown in my face if I spend on our kids. Help should I stay or go.





  2. Leave. If you are the money maker in the house, what will he buy for his cars, once your gone. He sounds very selfish to only think of himself. That's not the way to live. Your children are very important, his "Cars" can wait.  

  3. You come home and let him know you just quit your job (seriously) and now it is his turn. He has 40 hours to bring home the bacon. No bacon, no wife, no roof over his head.  

  4. Gee. I can't imagine why he figures someone who's been taking it for 19 years isn't too bright. I refuse to quote from Forrest Gump, but you know...

  5. Tell him it is time for marriage counseling or a divorce lawyer take his pick.However you have allowed this to go on this long, so do not put ALL the blame on him.I think if you could budget better and do with less, then you wouldn;t have to work 2 jobs.ALso tell him you are quitting one of the jobs, he can do what he wants.Do not argue about it,just inform him this is what you are going to do.WIth you working one job and him working one job,unless they both pay minimum wage there isno reason you shouldnt be able to make it hon.

  6. Leave him~~!!! :)

    A man should at least take care of his family, minimal - find a job! Well, I think he relies on you too much too!

    I think you'll live better off without him... Yeahx... :)

    Tell him, either he find a job in a month time, or else, you'll file for divorce... :) *but be careful if he's those who turn violent* OR you tell him, if he doesnt want to find a job, fair enough, you will not work and see how life is going to go... Hahaha... :) Not sure if that works, but it'll gonna be really harsh for you and your kids. :(

  7. Leave before you become tempted to kill him!

  8. I'd tell him you think he's being a hypocrite. Don't be surprised if he becomes angry and/or defensive, but you need to be honest with him. If that doesn't work I'd try counseling, and if that doesn't work maybe this marriage has reached its end.

  9. why are you still even there. go get your freedom. if you are not happy.go.

  10. HON if hasn't changed for 19 years what makes you think that he will change now? nah listen to this if you don't feel confortable and you are not happy, and on any way he makes you feel stupid than drop it and you can find someone better!!! about the money you should leave one of the 2 jobs that you have and if you decide to stay with him then make him get the money that you are loosing by leaving that job. well at least thats what I think  

  11. It sounds to me like you are just raising another child.  I would leave.  From personal experience it is not worth staying around. Try a legal separation and then if he still doesn't come to his senses I would leave his butt.  It seems as if you can make it just fine on your own.  If he is making you that unhappy you do not need to stick around.  It would probable do the kids some good as well.  Think of yourself not others.  I know hard to do with kids but if you aren't happy they most likely aren't either

  12. Leave him. Let him see how hard it is to work 2 jobs and come home and cook and clean.. He does not appreciate you and what you do for him. He needs to get off his butt and help out around the house, clean it and cook for you and the kids.  If he doesn't help out then leave him. You can do better without him.  

  13. Sounds like you no longer respect him.  Once the respect is gone, it's really hard to get it back without making drastic changes.  

    You should probably see a counselor and get some outside professional advice.  If anything, at least you'll be able to express all of your feelings and then you can make some good decisions.

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