
Should I stay with my husband?

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When my husband and I married six years ago, we made a committment to be faithful to each other. I made a huge mistake last week, I had dinner at the restaurant where my boyfriend is a server with a guy who I work with and who my husband knows as well. At first we would go out to dinner together to discuss work but then it got to be more romantic. I was going to confess to my husband. Then he returned from his break and saw us making out. I feel bad for doing it. But my husband is all right with it. Later that night, he asked me how my date was, if I kissed him, will I got with him again. And then he wanted to have s*x with me. I told him that I was sorry for having an affair and was worried that he was not upset. Should I still stay with my husband?




  1. I wish I had your issues... This just sounds like a lot of drama.  If your man wants to watch, why leave him?  All of you can have one big threesome.

  2. So you have a husband and a boyfriend?

    And you're saying you committed to be faithful to your husband, girl the question should be "Should your husband stay with you?"

  3. you are wrong for what you did but you should be worried. because a person that cool is only up to no good. get out of there as fast as you can!!!! just being honest.

  4. leave him he doesn't deserve someone like you, he wants a real family and a real wife who wont cheat on him

  5. No. You obviously don't understand the meaning of being faithful because you had a little boyfriend on the side. You don't deserve him. I wouldn't be suprised at all if he divorces you.

  6. No, I think that if you can't commit to him and be faithful, then what is the point in staying with him?

  7. I think your disgusting. You have a boyfriend, a husband and you went to dinner with your husbands friend? Why would you want to hurt your husband on purpose? Does your vows mean anything to you? Does your self respect mean anything to you? Its apparent that all the guys want is a toss in the bed so that's why your husband isn't up-set. Your just there for relief.

  8. Hey, if your husband is so p*ssy-whipped that he condones you being a sleazy w***e, more power to you. Please don't dirty my neighborhood.

  9. if it don't bother him,than stay with him,ask him can your boyfriend move in and have a threesom!

  10. Am I reading this right you are married and have a boyfriend,and had a an affair with a co-worker,what happened to the committment,The question is not should you leave your husband ,but why hasnt he left you.Man you are screwwed up big time.

  11. I'm surprised he even wants to stay with you.  I'd kick you out as fast as I could.  If you still love him and he's willing to keep you, then yes, stay with him.

  12. Wow....I think that you're problem is that you keep switching genders after seeing your other questions...maybe you should sort that out first before worrying about your "husband".

  13. If your husband is ok with it, then I would say no.  But if you feel your feelings for your "friend" is stronger than the feelings you have for your husband then I might have to say yes.  I remember this saying people use to always say, "never leave the one you love for the one you like."

  14. That is really REALLY weird... was he ok with it because he's having his own affair? Or is he ok with it because the romance is all gone from the relationship? Other than that, i think it might be time for some serious relationship evaluation

  15. Im confused ,, this isnt making no sence to me. but it sounds  like he ( your husband) don;t care what you do. after he found out you had an affair  he wanted to have s*x with you.. thats sick huh.

  16. You're a w***e, but your husband is a complete fool for tolerating it.  You both need therapy.

  17. If you have feelings for someone else then you should leave him.

  18. Dang. Why would you wanna stay with your husband? He's stupid and your even more stupid. That just doesn't mix together.  

  19. He must love you, but I think both of you are fools.

  20. Well if he's okay with it and forgives you then stay with him unless you want to be with your boyfriend. Then there's a problem. If you love him and he loves you too and forgives and you stop the affair then you both should stay. Then there's no point on leaving him.

  21. You don't even deserve a choice. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  22. Why do you have a boyfriend? Or better yet why are you still married? If I were your husband We'd be headed for divorce court.And if you think your husband is all right with it think again. The other shoe is about to drop.

  23. you to should work it out, thats what building a strong marriage relationship is about. dont let little petty stuff like this ruin your realtionship, break it off with guy you are having an affiar with and stay with your husband. a lot of marriages goes through some kind of down fall but i think u can over come this, its just a process/cycle.

  24. Yall are some messed up people who dont know what marriage is. Just leave him.  

  25. He's unnaturally calm and that's unusual.  He might be ready to snap on you so be careful.

  26. Are you alright with having an open marriage or a husband that cares so little for you that it doesn't bother him? I would be more upset by the fact that my husband wasn't bothered by it; plus, in his mind this could be the open door he has been waiting for to have affairs on you. He is thinking, "she did it to me, so what's the problem if I do it to her?"

  27. It was one mistake everyone make bad mistakes in there life. I know its hard to get use to making a bad mistake for a while but evinoushly you will forget it. Dont take it to hard at least he forgives you. Usually all people that are married and ex boy friend or something they kiss its just part of life you have to live and forget

  28. i am so confused first u say ur boyfriend and then ur husband so u have a boyfriend and a husband? anyway if ur husband/boyfriend is ok with it then whats the worry?

  29. Yes. Stay with your husband.<}:-})

  30. Some men are turned on by the idea of their wife being with other men. You need to understand why you cheated and why your husband does not feel bothered by what you did. I would not let something as primal as s*x ruin a good relationship, but make sure to use this experience to open yourselves up to each other and grow closer. If you can't do that this will come between you in some way forever.

  31. If you don't love him enough to not cheat on him then why would you stay with him, unless you have a child together then you need to think about how it would affect him or her.

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