
Should I stick with ballet? Or just quit?

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I love ballet, more than anything, but this summer I had a super harsh teacher who was disapointed in everything I did (even though I tried really hard!). I'm getting my usuall teacher again in the fall, and she's pretty cool, but I feel totally discouraged by my summer instructor. Going to dance class makes me want to throw up becaus I'm just so sick and tired of being the girl she makes redo every combination. I don't get it, I never have been the worst in my class, but this one teacher just brings out the worst in me! I'm really starting to hate going to ballet, and I'm thinking about just quiting all together. What do you think I should do? Quit? Try hip hop or jazz or something? Just leave dace all together? PLEASE HELP ME! (p.s. a little encouragement might be nice two!)




  1. nah, don't be discouraged with that teacher. just think of his/her criticisms as cheers. after all, when you did an excellent performance, he or she will be ashamed of giving you destructive comments, and you can proudly say to her that she's completely wrong. besides, you've mentioned that you really love ballet.. so why would you leave it if it's your passion? hope this helps =)

  2. Just think about it this way, if she is putting so much time and effort into correcting you and pushing you it is because she sees that you are capable of pushing yourself. If she didn't care about you as a student then she wouldn't waste her time trying to impart this knowledge of dance to you.

    If you love dance then you should really stick with it.

    Can you take hip hop and jazz in addition to ballet? I take all three at the company I am currently at and it can be a great relief to have a change of pace.

    Best of luck to you.

  3. Don't quit. I think that teacher sees something in you that she doesn't see in everyone else and she just wants to bring it out of you. Her methods are questionable, but I've learned that the more critical people are, the more potential they see in you.

  4. I grew to hate dancing altogether because of a really bad instructor who would insult me, how I danced, and even how I looked. I would read on the bus (I get motion sick) and cause myself to throw up when I got home to skip dance to purposely trying to sprain my ankles to skip class.

    If you seriously feel bad about going, then either quit or change to another style of dance, something that will be more fun for you. If you feel that you could really have fun with your usual instructor then don't give up just yet! It's all about having fun, and if that stops, then you need to find something else to have fun doing. This could be hip hop, jazz, or even theater.

    I don't really buy the excuse that some instructors pick on the best students the most to make them better. They may pick on the best student, but it does not make them better. Do what will make you the happiest and never look back. If you choose to stay on and see how it goes, then talk to your usual instructor about the summer one. Do what will make you the happiest in the end and have fun. I'm sure you're a beautiful dancer, especially when you're having a good time.  

  5. ignore that mean instructor u have

    cuz shes not even worth it

    n jus worri bout your teacher in fall  

  6. Like you said, you love ballet, so don't quit. Don't give that harsh teacher the satisfaction of seeing ou leave because if she really thinks your not a good dancer that would be just what she wants to see.

    I know the feeling because I've been dancing since I was three and I admit I'm no prima ballerina, but I never thought I was as bad as my teacher made me feel last year. I was faced with the same problem as you because when it came time to sign up for fall classes I was terrified I would have this same teacher who has made me leave class crying on (at least) three different occasions. I was miserable and I became that one girl that everybody knew would make us repeat the combonation ten times because the teacher liked to pick out the smallest problems in my performance. Problems that I knew an audience full of parents, grandparents, and friends would not notice.

    Don't give up. There's always going to be that one person in the world who doesn't think your good enough and wants to bring you down, for us it was our previous teachers. But we both have to prove them wrong, prove to her that your not some quitter and you will continue dancing no matter what she thinks. Like you I'm going to have a different teacher this year, the only difference is I've never met this teacher. The truth is I know she'll be better then my teacher from last year because nobody can be worse then her.

    JUST KEEP DANCING! You would hate to quit and find out later that you regret quitting because I'm sure you and I are not nearly as bad as our teachers made us seem. It'll probably take some time to get more confident again, but hopefully with the help of your new teacher you will get back to that level. If you really are afraid that you won't like it maybe you could find out if there is some way that you can pay for half of the year or something (if you haven't already paid tuition) so that if you really want to quit later you can. Take care and good luck! Keep shining and you'll do more great things then that dumb teacher could have ever imagined!!!

  7. just go fir it.

    You probably just had a bad teacher.

  8. KEEP GOING, i quit figure skating because of a harsh teacher and i really regret it now.

    ballet could give you a lot of chances in life, plus its good for your health and keeps you in shape.

    stick it out, think of all the money has went into your ballet dont just throw it away.

  9. don't quit, you'll regret it

    it was probably just the harsh teacher!

    try starting another style of dance aswell

    so if you do end up quitting you'll have something to fall back on

  10. change you teacher and DON"T stop ballet..!!!!!

    don't let anyone to prevent you from what you want!!!!!!

  11. maybe you should try jazz and hip pop and if you miss ballet. go back to ballet

  12. don't give up girl. if you really love ballet then show them what you've got. and if they see you worst, prove them wrong. cheer up girl! I was once in that situation.

  13. If ballet is what you love to do, then don't quit over one person's opinion. Many times, especially in dancing and other performing arts, a teacher is the hardest on a student in whom they see potential.

  14. To me, you're answering your own question.

    "this one teacher just brings out the worst in me!"

    Change teachers! You know that with a different teacher you can do better. So try changing teachers and if you still feel the same about dance then maybe it's not just that teacher...

  15. you should definitly go back if you love it then you need to keep doing it. i had a teacher like that but i just used it as motivation , prove to them that you are better than that and that you can be perfect! another thing could have been, she noticed that you were really good so she wanted to push you harder than the other girls so dont give up i know you can do it!

  16. Try not to fall into the common trap of wanting to replace everything on your new 1911 just to make it "better". Know what you're changing out, and why. You may spend a lot of money fixing things that weren't broken to begin with. Shoot it for at least 500 rounds, then decide what you don't like and want improved. Vintage 1911's should NEVER be refinished or modified because it ruins any value they had as a collectible firearm.

  17. I think you should stick to it, i mean if your passionate about it then giving up will do no good. Ballet is so cool, you should definitely stick to it and if its your teacher, then try change teachers.

    Don't give up on something you love just because there is one person in the way.

  18. dont give up if you like it

  19. you mean ur going to give up on something you've worked hard for, for so long if u quit now your just washing everything you have worked hard for down the drain SO OBVIOUSLY STICK WITH WHAT YOU HAVE WORKED FOR HUN  

  20. i think that you should just stick with ur ballet... its obvious that you like it heaps otherwise you wouldnt have stuck with it this far. also if u r getting back ur good teacher - stick with it, just dont worry about the idiot thats trying to make you miserable....

    your welcome :) haha

  21. Hey don't give up that easily...may be you are better..? Beautiful  than her..? have you ever thought about that...? so if you are good @ it ...then you are...!

  22. don't stop. cause that will make you even much better in dancing even if it's not ballet. and it's ok  and that harsh teacher will make you even much better. I'm a freshmen in cheer leading before and we need to compete against the sophomores, juniors and seniors before and i have a pretty harsh teacher too. you can see our knees are full of wounds and bruises others are like fainting. and were still going on and not quitting. in the end we won 1st place. but if you know your good in ballet and if you wanna try another type of dance go ahead. it won't hurt you. and thats the best choice too.

  23. This happened to me and they almost made me cry, but I didn't quit. Just make sure that you don't have that teacher. Also it doesn't mean that you are a bad dancer!  

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