
Should I still be her bestfriend??

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Ok my bestfriend moved away 5 months ago and we didnt talk until lyk 2 moths later when she got a new phone. So lately she has been ignoring my texts and phone calls! She has a boyfriend now and is always hanging with him and i feel left out! I called her the other day and she was like I cant talk im sleep or im watching a movie or im hanging with my boyfriend! What should i do cuz she;s just ruining my life!




  1. I know It's hard to let go of firends especially really good friends but sometimes things don't work out and you just gotta move on so I would just m,ove on with your life and just stop texting her because you know she'll always be busy and she is not a good friend so just move on even though it might be hard

  2. well i can say is if she is being a bit*h y r u not forgetting her already especial if she is ruining ur life

  3. is there anyone else u can hang out with if u do just hang out with them^^

  4. my best friend is doing the same thing as that.

    only she didnt move away.

    i confronted her about it.

    and everything got worked.

    out maybe you can try that?

    and tell her how you feel about everything =)

  5. Well if its ruining your life then u need to move on to other friends

    and if she has a boyfriend be happy for her.

    Just when you do talk to her tell her how you feel.

  6. Yeah you should :)

    Theres no reason to not be she really didnt do much harm

    Shes just a little caught up in having a boyfriend

    You have to say something about it with her

    ask her WHATS UP!

    Good Luck!

    Hope things turn out For the better!

  7. a friednship only works if both people want it to work, like most relationships. if she isn't going to take the time to want to keep your friendship working then you shouldn't continue worrying about it. i mean i know its hard to loose a best friend, ive been through it too, but you will end up moving on and meeting a lot of cool new people. and who knows what the future holds with your guys's friendship. i hope it helped.

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