
Should I still file child support even though my husband and I are not legally separated?

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We're still thinking about getting back together, I just had a baby almost 5 months ago, he has an apartment that he won't let me move into with him and I'm not working, so everything is on my parents now, plus when he does give me money for the kids, it's like chump change ($20.00) and then I don't see him again or hear from him for like 2 weeks tops....I'm scared to file, I'm not going to lie! But I know I have to make him responsible..what do u guys think?

2 kids, state of Louisiana, I'm not working...what does it look like?




  1. Are you nuts?  You have two kids (nothing like making the same mistake over and over), you do not work, your husband does not support you or your kids, and you are "thinking about getting back together"??  Get a job, get a lawyer, get a divorce and get a court order of child support.  The court will order interim support while the rest of the paperwork is pending -- your attorney will file all the papers properly and get it done right from the get-go.

    Never do-it-yourself with a divorce -- you lose far more money than you think you are "saving" by failing to hire an attorney.  DIY divorces are for losers -- literally.  Get off your duff and get it done.  Your kids are depending on you to do right by them.

  2. Divorce him and get a court order for child support.

  3. [2 kids, state of Louisiana, I'm not working...what does it look like?]

    another set of mouths on Welfare.

  4. The question I have is why are you scared to file? If he scares you then you should probably divorce him and move on. Get your court order and still no guarantee he will pay.

  5. Honey, call the State Bar of Louisiana and ask if they have any lawyers who will do this Pro Bono for you.  Just explain your situation and let them advise you.  There should also be a local parish bar with attorneys in your area.  Possibly a legal aid society.  Best of luck.

    Ted:  Louisiana is not a welfare state.

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