I have 3 friends and their names are Lai,Lorenza,Venus.Venus transfered to my school in March something.I befriended her and we became close friends.I'm still friends with Lai and Lorenza.So,I let Venus hang-out with my friends.Venus and Lorenza have same taste in music.Ever since Venus started hanging out with us.She started treating me like c*ap.She's nice to Lai but not to me.So Venus told me that the three of them are doing a project(which doesn't exist&&I knew it from the start).She told my friends to ditch me.Lorenza apologized to me because they can't say no to Venus.Lorenza told me she felt bad after that so they don't ditch me anymore.THEY BETRAYED ME!!!!I'm still mad about this.Lai told me everything on the phone about everything.Venus apologized to me.I forgive Lorenza but not Venus.After what she did,I can't forgive her.I'm usually a little forgiving but it depends on what they did to me.If I forgive Venus she'll do it again and tell my friends what to do.What should I do???
Should I still hang-out with them?My friends like Venus because she's fun and Venus doesn't like me.I could tell.She textes me on my phone and then say sh*t straight to my face.