
Should I still wear my contacts on the 2nd day, even though I'm not going anywhere?

by  |  earlier

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I got contacts yesterday, and I accidentally wore it for 8 hours (which I heard was too much). So, today, I'm not going anywhere, but should I still wear my contacts? Just to get used to it? And how about the 3rd day? Thanks!




  1. you should wear them everyday and your eye doctor should of given you a schedule for the amount of time to wear them each day until your follow up visit

  2. I usually reccomend 6 hours on the first day and add two hours every day after that until you are wearing them all your waking hours. go ahead and wear them today to get used to them and try to wear them from 6-8 hours today. If your eyes feel good keep them in, if not take them out and try 8 hours again tomorow. Call your optometry office tomorrow and explain to them what is up and see what they want you to do. They most likely will not be alarmed. Your eyelid is the thing that you are trying to get used to the lense being there and it is pretty resiliant. You most likely did not dammage anything yesterday, but do not interrupt your wearing schedule today so that you can continue to build up your wearing time.

  3. It doesn't matter how long you wear them.

    I wear mine from 6 am to 10 pm.

    Sleeping in them is bad.

    I would wear them again to get used to them.

    Especially if you have trouble putting them in.


    Oh. Third day too.

  4. I wear mine from 7 am til about 10 pm, Practice putting them in, I remember when I first got mine, I never thought I would be able to put them in. don't sleep with them on though, I have done that  if you do, before you try taking them out make sure your eyes have plenty of moisture, cause its like your ripping your eye out if you don't.

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