
Should I stop by my ex's work to confront him?

by  |  earlier

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I am still angry for him starting to act like a friend 2 months ago and then abandoning me just because I didnt want to have s*x. Then he has some fat cow involved saying she is his girlfriend, which I doubt she is. Last week he left me a nasty message on my phone calling me a crazy #(#()%))$))$$)! I want to tell him off for treating like I am worth nothing because I declined casual s*x, acting all sweet and then dumping me off again. I do not have his phone number, and he blocked me on myspace. I am thinking of stopping by the hotel he works at or taking a bus through his neighborhood. I don't know what to say though, because I do still like him at times. He has s**y skin, great kisser, cute body- Italian stud muffin. I am just still angry at him for ditching me. I just don't know whether what I would say would be good or bad, and I dont know what to say. It would be good to see him and talk it out if either of us are angry. I need to vent! Should I stop by his job.neighborhood to discuss this since I have no other way to contact him?




  1. If i were you, i would just let it go and move on. He obviously isn't interested in having a relationship with you, and only wants casual s*x if anything. He treats you like c**p in the meantime. And you still like him simply over looks and his kissing skills. Chasing him to work or his home is definitely going to make you look obsessive and crazy.

  2. you never had your own boyfriend's phone number???

    he won't take you back unless you have s*x with him, so what is the point in talking to him?

    you should leave him alone at his job, because he probably won't talk to you in risk of getting fired. but you could stop by if you really wanted to and simply ask him to give you a call. if he cares about you, he will call. otherwise, please forget him.

  3. I hope yes u should leave him coz he is very mean but u should hav done s*x if i was in ur place i have done s*x wid him while doing s*x it feels very good.!!!!!!!!!!

  4. sorry ur question is too big...

  5. yes throw a tantrum at him at his work, make him embarrassed, break up with him in front of alot of people so he gets hurt, and then walk or storm away

  6. no X

    is the past so live the present

    2 da fullest

    .....but den again if u hve to den

    please feel free 2

  7. nah, it will drive him crazy if you dont talk to him at all. let him come to you

  8. Drop him. Stop talking to him, ignore him completely. Don't stop by his work - that makes you the crazy ex.

  9. not unless you just like being hit up for casual s*x and dumped again...and again...and again.

  10. He mistreated you, in essence dumped you and does not want to talk to you as he has blocked you.  Do not demean yourself by lowering to his level. You would regret anything you did or said by going to his work so don't do it as he will just think less of you.  Nothing you could say would phase a jerk like this.   Don't waste anymore time on this loser.  Everything you say about him is negative, except for a few things about him that are purely physical attraction.  Value and respect yourself more.  The best revenge is to move on and find someone who treats you right and really appreciates you and loves you.

  11. No. Get over it. End all contact with him.

  12. PSYCHO

  13. are you 12? or are you just a stalker? grow up, get over it and move on! if you stop by his work you could very well get him fired and then he's defiantly not going to want anything to do with you

  14. I dont get it, you say you still like him sometimes even after all the things he called you.  This guy really sounds like a jerk.  I wouldnt give him the time of day.

    The best way to get back at him is to ignore him and be classy about it. Dont stoop down to his level....that'll make you just as bad as him.

  15. no way

  16. if u dont want any problems then i got 2 words 4 u.... MOVE ON, leave the man alone

  17. What's the point?  He dropped you because he wanted a sexual relationship and you didn't - that just about says it all.  If you cause a scene at his workplace, its just going to make you look like some crazy woman.  Don't contact him - don't phone, don't text, don't email - hold on to your dignity.  

  18. nope..dont do anything...forget about him and move on..he is a friggin jerk

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