
Should I stop eating meat?(vegetarian question)?

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My family eats meat, all of them. And I sit at dinner and there is always meat served, my dad and brother talk about hunting. Should I be a vegetarian again? I ended up stopping because my mom didn't like making vegetarian meals. So should I get a job, and then make my own vegetarian meals? I don't like the idea that im eating an animal,sure i'll admit it tastes good (my mom is an awesome cook), but...its served like anything else. If someone plopped a pig with an apple in its mouth infront of me I wouldent eat it because it would disturb me, same thing with lobster. I'm turning 18 at the end of june.




  1. If you hated broccoli no one would find it strange...but for some reason in our society not enjoying meat has become some sort of a social divisor. It's almost easier to come out to your family as being g*y than to admit you are a vegetarian in some cases. I'm really sorry that your mother finds it hard to create meatless meals for you when you have clearly expressed that is what you feel more comfortable with. It's rally not as difficult as she may think. If you decide to stick with it, just eat whatever else is on the table for dinner. Maybe even ask your mom if you can help with the cooking and see if you can get her to buy some inexpensive alternatives to meat that you can cook up on the side. Beans and rice are a great addition, but there are many others. I hope it works out for you. I've been a veg head for about 3 years now and I wouldn't have it any other way. Good Luck!

  2. You are old enough to choose for yourself.  But make sure you eat a balanced diet, with a lot of good whole foods.  I went vegetarian when I was 16 and wound up really sick because I would just eat the family meals without the meat (salad, french fries) and wasn't getting a good balance.

    Throw a handful of raw almonds in your mouth every day or so, and eat some vegetables raw dipped in vegan ranch or lightly cooked in olive oil once a day and you'll feel great!  Stay away from white bread, it can make you tired.  

    I liked the taste of meat, too.  Fortunately, they have better fake meats out there these days.  Morningstar Grillers Prime taste really close to a hamburger patty and I eat it with A1 Steak sauce, yum!  They even have fake bacon, sausage and chicken nuggets.

  3. Yeah you should stop.  There's no reason to keep eating meat.  

    You can either start cooking your own meals OR just have your parents make extra side dishes.  I survived on side dishes when I was living at home!

  4. I  hate the idea my dad hunts, he made me shoot i squirrel and i cryed for days. And i feel the same, i could not eat a pig with a apple in its mouth it looks nasty! i went to the phillipines with my friend to visit her family and they had a party and roasted a pig over a fire and i refused to eat it..I try not to eat pork and beef alot they give me heart burn id choose chicken and fish over them. But in my opinion, just eat what your mom makes then you dont have to cook and meat is too good to give up lol and we have sharp teeth for a reason to eat meat..but if you want to give up meat that is your choice if you really want to go for it!

  5. Yes, don't rely on them to help you decide what your going to do! Do what you believe in is right. If that means making your own meals - go for it. Its not hard at all and more than worth it.

  6. when you're old enough to do things for yourself then you're old enough to decide for yourself what you want to believe in.

  7. If you want to....

    I turned vegetarian when i was 8

    i just dont like it (people find that weird lol)

    I cant imagine eating meat now

    Go for it


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